


  • We can 't ignore or neglect the unilateralism and snare in the tideway of globalization especially the capitalistic characteristics that hiding in it when we admit and ascertain the advantages and rationalities of it .

    我们在承认和肯定 全球化的益处与合理性的同时,不能忽略或轻视了全球化 潮流下的片面性和陷阱,尤其是深藏于全球化 之中的资本主义本质特性。

  • Receptive aesthetics a worldwide theoretical tideway in 1960s has aroused extensive notice in the literary aesthetic field .

    接受美学是20世纪60年代兴起的一种世界性的理论 潮流,在文学美学界引起了普遍关注。

  • The Research of Control System for VSCF Tideway Generation System

    变速恒频 潮流发电系统的分析研究

  • With the sixth speed-raising of the railway to be coming our country has been in harmony with the time tideway of the worldwide railway speed-raising which gives an impulse to the improvement of the fundamental establishment and receives wide approval from the public .

    随着铁路即将进行的第六次大面积提速,我国已经融入了世界铁路提速的时代 潮流,提速推动了铁路基础设施的改善,受到广大群众与社会 各界的肯定。

  • To adopt efficient methods and realize servicing to the most of demanders with internet information are the necessary tideway of the situation .

    采取有效的措施,实现网络信息为大多数需求者服务,已 势在必行

  • With the arrival of social tideway of new industry manufacturing and running environment of enterprise gave obvious change and it made traditional cost management method suffer from unprecedented impact .

    随着新产业社会 潮流的到来,企业的生产经营环境发生了显著的变化,使得成本的构成发生变化,传统的成本管理方法受到了前所未有的冲击。

  • It is easy to be influenced by tidal influence and flood because of the gathering lakes and rivers and low topography in tideway area .

    平原 河网地区湖泊密布、河网 发达,地势较低,易于受潮汐影响,发生洪涝灾害。

  • Nowadays because of various factors more and more corporations swarm into the incorporative tideway so the technology of middleware becomes more important .

    目前由于多方面的因素,越来越多的企业涌入了合并的 潮流,中间件技术显得越发重要。

  • Risk Assessment of Accidental Oil Pollution at Wharf in Tideway of Yangtze River

    长江 河段码头油污染事故风险 影响预测

  • This reflected in the future direction of Chinese Korean groups the scattered type sense of presence formed in of traditional Chinese culture and Historical tideway .

    这体现在中国朝鲜族群体未来的走向和在中国传统文化和历史 潮流 确认形成的散居式的存在感。

  • Under this kind of tideway M & A between the two countries in the future will grow quickly .

    在此 潮流下,今后两国公司之间的并购也会迅猛增加。

  • Nowadays the down sizing lower cost and opening have become a development tideway of the EIC control system the products of which are existing simultaneously with large and small in scale as well as new and old in characteristics .

    在Down-Sizing、低成本和开放性成为EIC控制系统的发展 潮流的当今世界,大小、新旧EIC控制系统产品并存。

  • Since the cold war on there has occurred a new tideway of political transition in the polities of the world with the changes in the administrative parties of the all states .

    冷战以来,随着各国政党格局的变化,出现了世界政党政治变革的新 潮流

  • This reach of the river is the tideway and also is influenced by storm-tide frequently .

    该河段为感潮 河段,同时受风暴潮的影响也较频繁。