to bank with...


  • Then go to the bank with him .

    那你 银行

  • Last year Ant Financial was among a handful of internet companies given permission to open an internet bank with the launch scheduled for next week .

    去年,蚂蚁金服成为少数几家被许可创办互联网 银行的互联网企业。该公司定于在下周启动这一 银行

  • Our strategy calls for us to become a Solutions Bank with results for the poor as our central benchmark .

    我们的战略要求我们成为一个提供解决方案的 银行对贫困人口产生的成效作为我们的主要基准。

  • And you don 't have to rob a bank with me .

    而且你也不需要 银行

  • Fellow shareholders these measures will put to rest any concerns that the market may have . They will make us the leading bank share to own and the premier bank with which to do business .

    股东朋友们,这些措施将消除市场可能产生的任何担忧,也将使我们成为值得你们拥有的主要银行股和进行业务 往来的优秀 银行

  • He is going to the bank with the hope of borrowing more money from it .

    他正在 银行的路上,希望能从那里多借一点钱。

  • To open bank accounts negotiate with bank trust or any financial institutions private or public entities .

    银行开户, 银行、托行或任何金融机构,私人企业或公共部门谈判。

  • Grow handsome what use ! Face to the bank with credit card ?

    长得帅有什么用啊! 银行 脸刷卡吗?

  • The company said it regularly carried out inventory sales whereby it sells commodities to a bank with an option to repurchase .

    该公司表示它定期进行库存出售,即将大宗商品出售 银行同时获得回购的选择权。

  • A claiming bank shall not be required to supply a reimbursing bank with a certificate of compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit .

    不应要求索偿行 偿付 提供证实单据 信用证条款及条件相符的证明。

  • She is due to travel to the West Bank on Wednesday for meetings with top Palestinian officials .

    星期三,她将 前往约旦河西 地区 巴勒斯坦官员会面。

  • This year it went further and gave guarantees to Bear Stearns an investment bank with no retail depositors .

    今年联储 BearStearns这个完全没有小额储户的 投行进行了更加深入的帮助–对它进行担保。

  • Reliance will pay 5 per cent interest to China Development Bank compared with the standard 12 per cent it would have to pay an Indian bank .

    信实电信将 中国国家开发 银行支付5%的利息,远低于其本来要向印度银行支付的12%标准利率。

  • One is to follow Merrill and sell out to a large commercial bank with a big capital and deposit base .

    一是效仿美林,把自己出售 一家资金雄厚、存款基础牢固的大型商业 银行

  • So for instance the addition of an Internet connection to a bank application with existing ATM access is transparent to the application logic .

    因此,举例来说, 现有的ATM访问将因特网连接添加 一个 银行应用程序,对应用程序逻辑来说是透明的。

  • Brief Discussing the Precautions Against Accounting Risks in the Business Department of P.B.C ; To open bank accounts negotiate with bank trust or any financial institutions private or public entities .

    浅议人民银行营业部门会计核算风险防范 银行开户, 银行、托行或任何金融机构,私人企业或公共部门谈判。

  • His partner in a violent letter sent to his bank had taunted him with hiding his whereabouts .

    他的合股人曾 通过存款 银行 他写过一封措词严厉的信,责骂他隐匿自己的行踪。

  • Be being collected now basically is to point to the bank deposit that be obtained with the means of international settle accounts such as check remittance collection and forms .

    现汇主要是指 支票、汇款、托收等国际结算方式取得并形成的 银行存款。

  • The People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ) the country 's central bank is to issue a commemorative bank note with a face value of10 yuan ( $ 1.46 ) from Tuesday to mark the Beijing Olympic Games .

    中国人民银行 于本周二(7月8日)发行面值10元的北京奥运会纪念

  • But then they made the group decision to merge the investment bank with asset management and private banking in 2004 so the client could enjoy a one-stop service and they could capture all the opportunities in one group .

    但是,瑞信集团在2004年做出决定,将投资 银行 业务 资产管理和私人银行业务合并,让客户能够享受一站式服务,而瑞信则可以将所有机会握在一个集团的手中。

  • When the Fed tried to compare the US bank payments with the electricity grid it concluded that in contrast to management of the electric power grid there are only coarse or indirect options for control of the financial system .

    当美联储 试图将美国 银行支付网络 电网进行比较时,它的结论是:“与电网管理形成对比的是,对金融体系的控制只有粗略或间接的选择。”

  • The transactions are recorded over the mobile phone and the banker-on-wheels returns to the local bank branch with the money .

    这些事务将被记录在手机上,银行职员然后 着钱骑车 返回当地 银行分行。

  • The competition invites people to mash up Bank data with their own data or data from other sources .

    本次大赛号召软件开发人员组合 使用 世行数据及其自己的数据或其他来源数据。

  • The acquisition combines Germany 's second and third largest banks to create a clear domestic rival to Deutsche Bank with 11m private customers .

    该收购合并了德国第二和第三大银行,打造了德意志 银行(DEUTSCHEBANK 国内的明显竞争对手, 拥有1100万私人客户。

  • She 's going to the bank with the principal .

    她要 校长 一起 银行