Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure
他们的癌症是否 和接触 放射线有关还不太清楚。
Louise herself had family ties in Nimes .
Will you help to choose a new tie for me ?
你能帮我挑一条新 领带吗?
She tied her scarf over her head
她 把头巾围在头上。
The tie happened to strike Paul 's fancy so he bought it .
保罗看中了这 条 领带,就买下了。
He tied her hands behind her back .
他 把她的双手 绑在背后。
I wouldn 't like to be tied to catching the last train home .
我不想 非得赶最后一趟列车回家。
His tie was pulled loose and his collar hung open .
他的 领带扯松了,领口也敞着。
She grabbed her hair in both hands and swept it back tying it in a loose knot
她用双手揽起头发, 拢 到 脑后,挽成一个松松的结。
Despite the heat he 'd swapped his overalls for a suit and tie
尽管很热,他还是脱掉工作服换上了西装和 领带。
Both teams had tied on points and goal difference
两支队伍 得分和净胜球都 相当。
The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they choked him with his tie .
那些人把他推进附近大楼的入口处,用他的 领带勒死了他。
Roll the meat and tie it with string
把肉卷起来,用线 捆 扎牢 。
We 'd agreed from the beginning not to tie each other down
我们一开始就说好了不会互相 束缚。
Ronan Rafferty had tied with Frank Nobilo .
罗南·拉弗蒂和 弗兰克·诺比洛打成了平局。
Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie .
贾森已经脱下夹克,松开了 领带。
Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army
我们的婚礼要和戴维 退伍 的 时间 吻合 。
We 'll fix him up with a tie
我们将给他准备一 条 领带。
My social life and business life are closely tied .
我的社交生活和工作联系 紧密。
She tied a knot in her scarf
她 把围巾 打了个结。
Dad handed me a big box wrapped in gold foil and tied with a red ribbon .
爸爸递给我一个用金箔包装、外面 扎了 根红丝带的大盒子。
He had tied the dog to one of the trees near the canal
他把狗 拴 在了沟旁的一棵树上。
He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces .
他穿上厚厚的软皮鞋, 系 上鞋带。
She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel .
她身穿一件格子衬衫, 衣角在肚脐上方 打了个结。
Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet .
桑德斯先生 把她的手脚 捆了起来。
Of course the old school tie has been a help .
校友 关系当然是帮了忙的。
He began to tie his shoelaces .
他开始 系 鞋带。
Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France
魁北克和法国一向 关系特别紧密。