tie down

[taɪ daʊn][tai daun]


  • Li Wu see the little girl did not respond they pull out the clothes a brooch into his arm severely tie it down .

    小姑娘见李武没有反应,就拔出衣服上一枚胸针,对着他的胳膊狠狠 下去

  • I don 't want to tie myself down to coming back on a particular date .

    我不想 限定 自己在哪一天回来。

  • In rich countries that threatens to tie down companies and give ailing housing markets a kicking .

    在发达国家,这可能会 拖累公司业绩,并对已经轰然倒地的房地产市场再补上一脚。

  • He did not tie me down with too many regulations but provided help when needed .

    他不会用太多的 限定、规定 束缚我,但是在有需要的时候 给我帮助。

  • The reason he didn 't have a family was that he didn 't want to be tied down .

    他没有成家的理由是不想被 捆住手脚。

  • But Google is not a state-owned utility and Europe should not allow its Lilliputians to tie down Gulliver just because he is bigger than them .

    但谷歌也并非一家国有公用事业公司,欧洲不应仅仅因为巨人的个子远远大于小人,就允许小人 捆住巨人。

  • Belay - Usually means to tie something down but pirates used it to prevent someone to do something .

    Belay-通常的意思是 什么东西 起来,不过海盗们用来阻止某人做某事。

  • If you haven 't yet been able to tie down exactly what parts of your project need to be done in software and which in hardware an FPGA is probably the ideal solution .

    如果您还不能 准确 确定项目中的哪些部分需要通过软件完成、哪些部分需要通过硬件完成,则FPGA可能会是您的一个理想的选择。

  • The blues are keen to tie down their star midfielder to a new long-term contract to ward off potential suitors of the England international .


  • The output can be more specific than just specifying the analog pin number but the generic number allows flexibility because it does not tie down any one pin to any one job .

    输出也可能比仅指定模拟管脚编号更为具体,但是本机编号灵活性更好,因为它不会 任何一个管脚 束缚到某一项作业上。

  • We 'd agreed from the beginning not to tie each other down

    我们一开始就说好了不会互相 束缚

  • Your fickleness will however entice a host of unusual suitors eager to tie you down .

    然而正是你的这种变化无常,却深深地诱惑着一群渴望 牢牢 套住你的追求者。

  • Still the land could not tie them down or call them back .

    可这土地还是不能 拴住他们,不能召唤他们回来。

  • Luyuan continued to resist anything that would tie her down .

    李芦媛继续抵制着任何可能会 束缚她的 事情

  • Don 't try to tie me down with those conventions .

    不要试图用那些协议 限制我。

  • When managing a semi-professional club it 's a good idea to try and tie down key players to full-time contracts to maximise their training time .

    当执教半职业俱乐部时, 球员合同签成全职合同以增加训练,会是一个好主意。

  • But by dressing black tie down or putting a new spin on it suddenly the men can look more interesting too .

    但如果休闲地穿上无 礼服或者在 上面加上新的修饰,顿时男士们也会看上去更有趣。

  • A storm is coming ! Tie things down before they blow away !

    刮风暴了!快 东西 ,别 跑了!

  • I can 't tie them down to a fixed estimate of what it is likely to cost .

    定预算可能会花费多少,我不能用这 限制他们。

  • Hua said : I am afraid that you will be scared so Isuggest that we set up a post with a loop to tie down your arm with rope . Then when your eyes are covered I will start the operation .

    华佗说:“我怕你害怕,立一柱子,柱子上吊一环,把你的胳膊套入环中,用绳子 ,再盖住你的眼睛,给你开刀治疗。”

  • One officer had to tie down the left leg another one the right leg and so on but I was the only one to execute the condemned .

    一个人负责 左腿,另一个人负责右腿,以此类推,但我是惟一负责处决死刑犯的人。

  • We must tie him down to the contract .

    我们必须 使合同约束。

  • The enfant terrible of the business world attributes his success to hard-work lack of personal distractions and extensive use of binding employment contracts : I like to tie down my best employees .

    这名商界怪才将他的成功归因于三点:一是勤奋努力,二是一心工作,三是广泛采用约束力大的雇佣合同:我喜欢把最优秀的员工 牢牢 拴住

  • Tie down the foam and form the head of the cricket

    泡沫 形成蟋蟀的头部

  • But this move by our4th column will directly menace the northwestern and northern suburbs of Peiping and tie down those enemy forces so that they dare not move .

    但四纵此举直接威胁北平西北郊和 北郊,可以 钳制这些敌人不敢动。

  • Believe me ; believe me I can 't help but love you but believe me I 'll never tie you down .

    请你相信我吧,对你情难自禁。但请你相信我,我绝不 束缚

  • Anything that restrains ( especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner ) .

    任何抑制物(尤其是 束缚抑制囚犯的东西)。

  • The comparable dates for the computer are harder to tie down but the first big computer based on vacuum valves was built in1946 .

    对于计算机来说,繁多的数据是很难 处理的。但是,世界上第一台基于真空管技术的巨型计算机诞生于 1946年。

  • Tie down the foam to create the thorax

    继续 泡沫 形成背部

  • She doesn 't want children because she says they tie you down .

    她不想要孩子,因为她说孩子会 使受到 束缚