


vt.& vi.放火烧,纵火烧(建筑物或汽车)

  • This week I saw the second Olympic torch relay of my life .

    这个星期,我有生以来第二次看到了奥运 火炬传递。

  • Suddenly somebody flashed an electric torch .


  • This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died

    这个团体旨在将 游行示威的数百万人与死去的数千人的 信念传承下去。

  • I got out my pliers and torch and crawled under the ambulance .

    我拿出钳子和 手电筒,爬到了车底下。

  • The torch was lighted .


  • With the lighting of the torch at 2000 Olympic games Cathy brought Australians closer together .

    卡西点燃了2000年奥运 火炬,她将澳大利亚人更加紧密地连在了一起。

  • Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy .

    自从他1985年去世以来,他的遗孀一直致力于保存和 发扬他的斯大林主义遗产。

  • He flashed his torch to signal that he was ready .

    他闪了闪 手电筒,示意他准备好了。

  • They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel 's thatch .

    他们点着一支 火把,放火烧了小教堂的茅草屋顶。

  • The wind ceased the torch was lighted once more .

    风停息了, 火炬又燃了起来。

  • He flashed the torch on for a second .

    他把 手电筒亮了一下。

  • The torch relay was first organized at the 1936 Berlin Games .

    在1936年的柏林奥运会上首次组织了 奥运 火炬传递。

  • Cars and trucks have been torched bottles and bricks thrown .

    轿车、卡车被 放火 焚烧,瓶子与砖块

  • His emblems are the spear and the burning torch .

    他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的 火炬

  • He has always carried a torch for Barbara .

    他一直 单恋芭芭拉。

  • And he lighted his cigar at vampa 's torch .

    于是他在万帕的 火把上点燃了他的雪茄烟。

  • The rioters torched the local library

    暴乱者 放火 当地的图书馆。

  • Suddenly the beam of an electric torch was flashed into his face .

    忽然一道 手电光射到他脸上。

  • We took a map a torch and a knife which we put into my bag .

    我们带了一张地图、一个 手电筒和一个小刀,把它们放进了我的书包。

  • Anticipating that it will soon be dark they all took torch .

    他们预见到天快黑了,就都带上了 手电筒

  • I was perished . No jacket no torch wet through exhausted .

    我快冻僵了。没有外衣,没有 火把,浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽。

  • Pete 's torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang .

    皮特的 火把映出了鲍勃和张的模糊身影。

  • We can 't use the torch because the battery has run down .

    我们不能用 电筒了,因为电池用完了。

  • A torch symbolizes the brightness ( of the future ) .


  • By the time the torch reaches the central stadium the flame will have journeyed all 50 states .

    等到奥运会 火炬到在中心体育馆时,这圣火将已传遍了全部50个州。

  • The torch relay in 2008 after a number of regions and countries .

    2008年的 火炬传递经过了许多地区和国家。

  • I would torch your boat !

    我会 了你的船!

  • One of the men shone a torch in his face

    其中一名男子用 火把照着他的脸。

  • The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault .

    那伙匪徒为打开金库用氧乙炔 干了长达10个小时。

  • Zero distance Contact with the Olympic Games torch !

    今天与奥运 火炬来了个O距离接触!