

[医] 胫股的

  • The result of the experiment points out that for correcting knee deformity recovering the normal tibiofemoral para-position and stress distribution should be paid more attention .

    实验结果提示膝关节畸形矫正时,要注意恢复 的正常对合与应力分布。

  • The tibiofemoral contact pressure was higher than the patellofemoral pressure in the area .

    重叠区域内髌股、 关节 各自接触压测定 显示前者的接触压明显高于后者。

  • Conclusion : the OA of tibiofemoral joint mainly occurred in the medial compartment and this was probably related with the proximal tibial inversion .

    结论:膝 关节的骨关节炎主要发生在内侧部,可能与胫骨上端的内翻有关。

  • An photoelastic analysis of the stress on tibiofemoral joint in flexed knee

    膝屈曲 状态 关节 应力光弹性分析

  • Methods : Eight fresh-frozen human cadaveric knees had tibiofemoral peak contact pressures and contact area measured in the control state .

    方法:在对照情况下选取八个新鲜冷冻尸体的膝关节,测量其 峰值接触压力和接触面积。

  • An analysis on the relationship between the lower extremity force line change and the tibiofemoral joint degeneration

    下肢力线变化与 关节退行性变的相关性

  • The result shows that the tibiofemoral touching area of internal condyle is larger than external condyle the stress distrbution of external condyle is stronger than internal condyle the strongest stress distribution is on the area of touching centre .

    结果显示 接触面积内髁大于外髁,应力分布外髁大于内髁,最大应力分布于接触部位中心点附近。

  • These results proved that the incidence rate of the genu varum is higher than the genu valgum and tibiofemoral joint space narrowing on medial more than on lateral ;

    在膝关节骨性关节炎患者影像学分析和统计学检验中,验证了膝内翻发生率高于膝外翻, 关节内侧间隙狭窄多于 关节外侧 间隙狭窄。

  • Both X-ray and MRI examinations revealed signs of greater severity in thd medial compartment of the tibiofemoral joint than in the lateral one which was probably attributed to the proximal tibial inversion and / or the medial shift of the supporting line of gravity .

    无论X线或MRI均可见 关节的内侧部OA 发生率较外侧部严重,可能与胫骨上端内翻、 承重线内移有关。

  • OBJECTIVE : To analyze the present method of measuring the tibiofemoral joint contact points using the fluoroscopic images CT cryptoscope image and MRI techniques .

    目的:基于X射线照相术、CT技术及荧光镜图像和MRI技术对人体 关节接触的测量方法及存在问题进行综合分析。

  • Effect of high tibial osteotomy on tibiofemoral contact pressures : a biomechanical study at human cadaveric knees

    胫骨高位截骨对膝 关节接触应力影响的生物力学研究

  • The goal of this study was to determine the effects of posterior root tears of the medial meniscus and their repairs on tibiofemoral joint contact pressure and kinematics .

    本研究旨在确定内侧半月板后 撕裂的生物力学 特性,以及修复后对 关节接触压力和动力学的影响。