


  • The tornado destroyed two houses near tulsa .


  • Get within the basement the tornado is coming . A tornado whirled into town .

    进地下室, 龙卷风要来了。龙卷风刮进了城里。

  • When this happens the rotating air forms a tornado .

    当这种情况发生时,旋转的气流形成了 龙卷风

  • A small tornado passed through this farm and cut across this field .

    小龙 穿过了农场,横扫了田地。

  • A tornado whirled into town .


  • The tornado tore a path a mile wide and four miles long destroying homes and businesses .


  • A tornado is one of the most violent and destructive whirlwind .


  • A tornado rocking trees and houses ;

    使树木和房屋剧烈摇动的 龙卷风

  • A tornado hit on Tuesday night .

    星期二晚上发生了一次 龙卷风

  • It 's it 's the killer tornado an absolutely killer tornado that 's now crossing .

    这就是杀手 龙卷风,一个绝对的杀手龙卷风正在移动。

  • According to that model we developed tornado stock portfolio analysis system .

    根据该模型,我们开发了 旋风证券组合投资分析系统。

  • The weather system included the state 's deadliest tornado in a decade .

    这次气象灾害包括了我国10年来最致命的 龙卷风

  • And it 's not terribly unusual to have multiple vortices within a tornado .

    在一次 飓风中有多个涡系并不是非常罕见的。

  • Colorado is part of that and it 's where this tornado showed up on Monday .

    科罗拉多州就是其中的一部分,周一的 龙卷风就在这里出现。

  • The tornado raged but the tall building steadfastly stood its ground .


  • I felt the tornado was right over our house .

    我感到 龙卷风正经过我们的家。

  • So if there 's a tornado warning on it means a tornado is out there somewhere .

    因此,若已提出 龙卷风警报,那表示一个龙卷风已在某处。

  • Wasn 't this crushed by a runaway tornado ?

    它不是被失控的 龙卷风碾碎了吗?

  • A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground .


  • When I saw the tornado I couldn 't move .

    当我看到 龙卷风的时候,我无法移动了。

  • A tornado and wildfires fueled by strong winds have caused widespread destruction in the southern United States .

    美国南部 龙卷风和野火袭击,强风使得灾难更加严重,造成了大范围的破坏。

  • The village was destroyed by the tornado last night .

    这个村庄被昨晚的 龙卷风毁坏了。

  • The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois .

    美国国家气象局报道说在伊利诺伊州出现了几次 龙卷风

  • The winds of tornado are most violent and destructive ones on earth .

    龙卷风 通常是世界上最暴力和破坏性最强的风。

  • I could see a tornado Blowing in the distance .

    我可以看见一阵 龙卷风正在远方吹袭着。

  • I reported previously that there was a tornado last summer in my home town .

    我先前报告说在去年夏天的时候我的家乡会有一场 龙卷

  • Should say artful also I hear of a place has tornado holding monitor in the arms .

    要说也巧了,我听说有个地方有 龙卷风,就抱着显示器去了。

  • The sirens sounded warning of a tornado .

    警报响了起来,警告 飓风要来了。

  • Considered himself lucky that the tornado missed his house ; a lucky guess .


  • I.A tornado struck the farm .
