

vt.& vi.收紧(使)变紧(使)绷紧加紧

  • Several screws have come loose . I 'll have to tighten them .

    几个螺丝松动了,我得 拧紧他们。

  • They have tightened security along the border

    他们 加强 边境的安全工作。

  • The anchorman flung his whole weight back tightening the rope

    那个 压阵队员使尽了全身力气往后拽,把绳子拉 紧紧的。

  • The strap is too loose . Tighten it up a bit .

    带子 太松了,再勒一勒。

  • The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy .

    政府决定 实施 更加 严格的移民政策。

  • It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts .

    在其他人正不得不 勒紧 腰带的时候,给法官提高薪水是不合适的。

  • I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up .

    我要求我们这次要更加理智、 更加 严格要求自己。

  • An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated .

    反堕胎者所作的 加强法规的尝试失败了。

  • Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets narrowly escaped disaster .

    在两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程 更加 严格

  • Sofia 's throat had tightened and she couldn 't speak

    索菲娅喉咙哽住 ,说不出话来。

  • I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp

    我用拇指指甲 台灯上的螺钉 拧紧了。

  • This treatment helps tone the body firm up muscles and tighten the skin

    该治疗有助于强身健体、 紧致皮肤。

  • She saw his jaw tighten and his face lose its colour .

    她看见他的下巴 绷紧,脸色煞白。

  • As the regime 's grip on the mainland tightened over the next few years hundreds of thousands more people fled south .

    随着后来几年那个政权 加强对大陆的控制,又有数十万人逃往南方。

  • Tighten the rules and stop all loopholes .


  • The thought of Nick made her throat tighten


  • The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place

    美国计划 加大现有经济制裁的 力度

  • I have to tighten my belt this month .

    我这个月要 勒紧 腰带过 日子了!

  • I need to tighten this screw . It 's loose .

    这个螺丝松了,我得 拧紧点。

  • Annual check and tighten all the screws bolts and fixing device .

    每年检查并 拧紧所有螺钉、螺栓和各种固定装置。

  • Her arms tightened about his neck in gratitude

    她充满感激, 他的脖子搂

  • All the bolts were fully tightened .

    所有的螺钉都 拧紧

  • Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation

    一些国家 实行 紧缩 银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。

  • They are now under a great deal of pressure to tighten their airport security

    他们现在承受着 加强机场安保措施的巨大压力。

  • Luke answered by tightening his grip on her shoulder

    卢克的回应就是把她的肩头抓 了。

  • The cables tightened and he was lifted gradually from the deck .

    缆绳 绷紧 ,他被慢慢地吊离了甲板。

  • Stefano 's grip tightened and his tone became colder .

    斯蒂芬诺的手抓得 ,语气也更冷了。

  • These stomach exercises will tighten abdominal muscles

    这些腹部练习会 增强腹肌。

  • He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government

    他清楚有相当多的人支持他对中央政府机构 加强控制的计划。