
[tɔs ʌp][tɔs ʌp]


  • I 'm not sure whether the headmaster will throw him out or give him a second chance . It 's a complete toss-up .

    我不敢肯定校长是要开除他还是再给他一次机会。这完全是个 不准

  • It 's a toss-up whether oil prices will go up or down over the days ahead .

    油价在今后的日子里会 上涨还是下跌都有 可能

  • Both players are equally good so it 's a toss-up who will win .

    那两个运动员不相上下,谁能取胜 难说

  • It was a toss-up who would get there first .

    谁会先到达那里, 难说

  • It was a toss-up which company would get the contract .

    哪个公司会得到这份合同 预料

  • A good system gives you an edge in the long run but there is a great deal of randomness in the markets and any single trade is close to a toss-up .

    从长远来看,一套优秀的系统会给你带来一定的优势,但市场中充满了大量的随机性,任何单笔交易的 成败 难以预料的。

  • For the second year in a row US President Barack Obama led the ranking with Forbes noting that he won the popular vote an electoral college majority and seven of the seven toss-up states in the November election .

    美国总统奥巴马是连续第二年登顶这一排行榜,福布斯指出奥巴马在11月大选中赢得了普选, 获得了选举团的多数票, 获得全部七个 关键 摇摆 支持

  • It 's a toss-up between going to India or china .


  • Looking further back if you had to choose between the material progress of the 20th century and the improvements in health it would be a toss-up .

    回顾更久远的 岁月,如果你必须在20世纪物质方面的进步,和医疗保健方面的改善中进行选择,这实在是 难以 取舍

  • They are both handsome and rich and it is quite a toss-up who will win Mary 's hand .

    他们两人都又英俊又有钱,玛丽会 嫁给谁, 实在 难说

  • Seems that informal surveys of existing shareholders have indicated the buyout vote is a toss-up and there are strong hints that ISS will come out in opposition ( something that may sway just enough shares to matter ) .

    看起来对现有股东的非正式调查表明,他们对收购计划的 态度 莫衷一是,有明显迹象显示 代理顾问公司ISS将出面反对(也许会动摇足够的股权,让事态 发生 转变)。

  • Laura : They are both handsome and rich and it is quite a toss-up who will win her hand .

    劳拉:他们两个帅气又有钱。玛丽会 谁, 实在 不准

  • The election is a toss-up the winner still has not been determined .

    这场选举 胜负难分, 截至 目前不知 鹿死谁手