


  • His outstretched arms formed beautiful ebony wings his torso shrank forming an avian chest .

    他伸出的双臂变成了美丽的黑色翅膀,他的 躯干收缩,变成了鸟类的样子。

  • Stretches the entire front of the torso the ankles thighs and groins abdomen and chest and throat .

    伸展整个 半身 前侧,踝关节,大腿和腹股沟,腹部和胸部,及喉咙。

  • This will have the effect of pulling your upper torso and head off the floor .

    这将有助于拉你的 躯干上部和头离开地板。

  • He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso .

    他脱下了衬衫展现出晒得黝黑的 身体

  • Use your left hand on your thigh to pull your torso to aid in the twisting action .

    用你的左手放在大腿上拉 躯干增加扭转动作。

  • Allow the tones to fill the grid work of the legs torso arms neck and head .

    允许音调充满腿部、 躯干、手臂、脖子和头部的晶格层。

  • Ration twist develops side torso abdominal and low back strength .

    负重转体,增强 躯干侧面,腹部和下背部力量。

  • Select just the front torso edges that connect to the chest shell .

    选择只是前 躯干边缘连接到胸部外壳。

  • Rotate your torso upward toward the ceiling .

    向天花板的方向向上转动你的 躯干

  • The glass bottle is the shape of a woman 's torso .

    玻璃杯呈女子 身体的形状。

  • Try to keep your head and torso right at the surface with very little up-and-down-motion .

    尝试保持你的头和 躯干正好在水面下,只有很小的起伏波动。

  • You must not compete in the cycle and run segment with bare torso .

    在自行车和跑步赛段不得裸露 躯干

  • Hold your torso and head parallel to the floor for a few breaths .

    保持你的 躯干和头和地板平行几个呼吸。

  • Feel as though your torso is lifting upward off your hips out of your pelvis .

    感觉你的 躯干正在提起向上离开你的臀部,离开你的骨盆。

  • You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this specifically in your upper torso .

    当你这样做时,你会在体内、尤其在你的 躯干,感到一种轻微的晕眩的感觉。

  • Dust from the sanding operation was plastered to the sweat on my face and torso .

    磨沙纸时的尘埃厚厚地涂在我脸上和 躯干上,汗流浃背。

  • Your head and torso should be in-line with your head slightly bent forward facing forward and balanced .

    你的头和 躯干应在符合你的头略向前弯曲,面对前进、均衡。

  • Make sure to keep the shoulders and hips in opposition to each other and drop the shoulder and hips laterally ( i.e.curve the torso slightly see below ) .

    一定要保持髋部和肩部相互对立的肩部和髋部和降 躯干侧向(即曲线略有上升,见下文)。

  • Even in this transitional posture seek Tadasana in your pelvis and torso .

    即使在这个过渡体式中,在你的骨盆和 躯干检查山式的要求。

  • I then realized she had no arms or legs just a head neck and torso .

    然后我了解到,她 周身 没有手臂也没有大腿,有的只是 躯干和脖子 上面的头部而已。

  • Lift torso up erect .


  • Right now I want to concentrate on the main limbs and their relationships to the torso .

    现在我要集中于主要的四肢和他们的关系到 躯干

  • My tummy is rounder than I like ; my torso too short .

    我的肚子是圆的,我的 身体太短了。

  • Press the thighs back and lengthen the torso forward lifting through the top of the sternum .

    把大腿压向后,并拉长 躯干 前侧,通过胸骨的上端来上提。

  • This part is a torso . It 's made of seven extremely durable layers .

    这部分是 躯干,是由七个极其耐用的层所组成的。

  • Torso The position of your torso while running is affected by the position of your head and shoulders .

    在跑步时,您的 躯干位置受您头部和双肩位置的影响。

  • He was dripping with sweat his vest sticking to his torso .

    他汗流 如注,背心全贴在 了。

  • In this way the torso oscillates almost imperceptibly with the breath .

    通过这种方式。 躯干随着呼吸不知不觉地振动。