tie line

[taɪ laɪn][tai lain]


  • This control method may not only restrict the area subsystem net exchange power with other subsystem to the plan value but also restrict every tie line transition power separately kept to the constant power .

    该方法不仅能维持区域系统对外净交换功率的计划值,同时还可分别维持每条 联络 线交换功率的计划值,而且提高了控制实施的有效性。

  • A fuzzy supplementary controller is designed for UPFC to damp tie line power oscillation in interconnected power systems . The parameters of FDC ( Fuzzy Damping Controller ) are optimized using the gradient descent training method and the genetic algorithm respectively .

    设计了一种统一潮流控制器(UPFC)模糊辅助控制器,能够阻尼互联系统 之间功率低频振荡,分别使用遗传算法和梯度下降法实现了模糊阻尼控制器( FDC)的参数优化。

  • The influencing extent as well as the influence of three-phase metallic short circuit that occurs in different position of tie line on transient stability of one machine infinite bus ( OMIB ) system and that of two machine system are analyzed .

    分析了在不同地点的 联络 线上发生三相金属性短路时对于单机无穷大系统和两机系统的暂态稳定性的影响程度。

  • The power flow of tie line is controllable .

    2互联系统具有较好的 联络 线潮流控制能力。

  • Through calculation and dynamic adjustment of the distribution factor for every power plant and tie line more accurate load flow change can be obtained .

    通过计算并动态调整各个调节电厂和 联络 线的调节分配因子,得到比 单个 松弛节点计算时更加实际的潮流变化。

  • To improve the system damping the supplementary control of UPFC is proposed with its input as the active power or the bus voltage angle difference of the tie line and its output as the modulation signal to the main control .

    UPFC的辅助控制则通过 联络 线的功率反馈或电压相位差反馈对主控制中的控制参考值进行调制,以增加系统阻尼。

  • The research on the fault level of tie line is of significance for the security and stability evaluation of power system as well as the preventive control of transient stability .

    研究 联络 线故障水平对电力系统暂态稳定性的影响,对于电力系统的安全稳定评估与校核,以及暂态稳定预防控制都有着重要意义。

  • By means of the analysis in this paper the relation between the setting value of outgoing line and that of tie line is obtained which is available for reference in the setting of the protection for tie switch of interconnected power network .

    通过分析,得到了出线保护整定值与 联络 线保护整定值之间的关系,可供整定互联电网联络开关保护整定参考。

  • Analysis of Power Control of 1000 kV Changzhi-Nanyang-Jingmen UHV Tie Line

    1000kV长治-南阳-荆门特高压 联络 线功率控制分析

  • The elements to be controlled include system frequency tie line flows line currents equipment loading and voltage .

    所要控制的要素包括系统频率、 联络 线潮流、线路电流、设备的负荷和电压。

  • The topological decomposition of interconnected system is realized by the area division which a tie line belongs to two subsystems .

    采用在 联络 线上重叠的区域划分方法,实现互联系统的拓扑分解。

  • The tie line bias control for North China interconnected power System is investigated the mathematical model for North China Power System is proposed .

    本文对华北互联电力系统 联络 线交换功率偏移制方式进行了研究,提出了相应的数学模型。

  • Analysis of Chaotic Power Oscillation on Weak Tie Line

    联络 线功率浑沌振荡研究

  • With the rapidly development of the Fujian electrical network especially the tie line power exchanging with the East China electrical network the mode and status of power system operation become more complex .

    近年来,福建电网取得了长足的发展,实现了与 华东 电网的交流联网,电网的运行方式和运行工况更加复杂,增加了电力系统安全稳定和故障分析的难度。

  • At the same time with continuous increase of load the requirement of different control area is diversity . The area electric network must make an agreement about tie line transmitted power considering the stability and economy .

    同时,随着用电负荷的持续增加,各控制区域负荷的需求各异,区域电网间出于各自稳定性和经济性的需求,必须协议 联络 线传输的功率值。

  • In this paper we study the deterministic decentralized optimal control of frequency and tie line power for multiarea power systems .

    本文研究确定型多地区电力系统的频率和 交换功率的分散最优控制问题。

  • Calculation of benefit from interconnecting North China power system with central China power system and analysis of required tie line capacity

    多地区电力系统频率和交换功率的分散最优控制华北和 华中电网联网效益计算与 联网规模分析

  • An equilibrium model for the integrated energy-reserve electricity market with regional SR constraints is proposed in this thesis . In this model the regional spinning reserve requirement is met with both the locational generation resources and the unused transmission capacity of the corresponding tie line interface .

    建立了一种考虑分区备用的主能量-备用联合市场均衡模型,在该模型中,区域备用需求由本地发电资源和区域 联络 线的剩余传输容量来共同提供。

  • Influence of Three-Phase Metallic Short Circuit Occurred Position in Tie Line on Power System Transient Stability

    联络 线三相金属性短路地点对电力系统暂态稳定性的影响

  • Sensitivity Analysis Method for Tie line Power Control

    联络 线 交换功率控制的灵敏度分析法

  • The authors propose that by integrating the automatic generation control ( AGC ) with security constrained dispatch ( SCD ) to constitute a closed-loop control system to implement the preventive and remedial control of tie line overload .

    提出将自动发电控制(automatic generationcontrol,AGC)与安全约束调度结合在一起,构成闭环控制系统,实现稳定断面越限的预防和校正控制。

  • Here and many of the fancy dress well-paid white-collar workers Wang was wearing a dark blue suit gold tie line .

    和这里许多着装考究的高薪白领一样,王身穿深蓝色西服, 金色 领带

  • Based on the operation mode feature extraction method proposed in Reference the modelling of practical system configuration is studied . Considering the specific problem that the configuration change may impact the transient transmission capacity on tie line between systems .

    利用参考文献〔1〕提出的电力系统运行模式结构特征的提取方法,就结构改变对系统间 联络 线暂稳传输容量的影响这一特定问题,对某实际系统进行了结构模式建模研究。

  • This paper studies the dynamic behavior of both sides network and IPC when the load and frequency vary . Whether both sides of the tie line with IPC are easy to fall into the state of asynchronism is explored emphatically .

    研究了负荷频率变化时,相间功率控制器(IPC)及两侧电网的动态行为,着重探究了带IPC 联络 线的两侧电网是否会轻易地在负荷频率变化时落入异步运行状态。

  • The results show that the influences of shape of hole on stress distribution lie on the minimum included angle formed by two lines one line is x axis the other is the tie line of sharp corner apex and center of hole .

    结果表明:孔洞形状的影响取决于 尖角顶点与孔洞中心的 连线和受力方向之间的最小夹角,夹角越大应力集中越大;

  • A Simulation Method of Tie Line Power Flow Control Among Areas of am Interconnected Network in Load Flow Calculation

    潮流计算中区域 联络 线功率控制的模拟计算方法初探

  • Calculate minimum miscibility pressure with tie line analysis

    应用 线解析法计算最小混相压力

  • The electrical power system accident or the natural disaster can cause tie line split will form the local electrical network orphaned net movement .

    电力系统事故或自然灾害会使 联络 线 时,会形成地区电网孤网运行。