


  • The results showed that ( 1 ) the species composition and their frequency were significantly impacted by tourism . Some native shade-tolerant or hygrophilous plants had disappeared while some xerophilous disturbance-resistant species as well as some exotic and synanthropic species had expanded their populations .

    结果表明:(1)旅游干扰显著改变了林下植物物种组成:耐荫喜湿的乡土植物局部消失,而喜 耐扰动的植物种群扩大,外来和伴人植物种群侵入。

  • Its stem is the typical xerophilous structure .

    茎为典型的 结构。

  • Biochemistry of drought resistance in plants extreme xerophilous epiphyte

    极端 生性附生植物

  • The result indicated that : with the change of ecological factors and intensification of human activities strong stability of grassland community structure of the local alpine meadow type along the highway in this region was found proportion of medium xerophilous 、 rhizomous grass increased ;

    结果显示:随着生态因子发生变化和人类活动的加剧,该区公路沿线高寒草甸类草地群落结构表现出了较强的稳定性,中 耐旱的根茎型禾草比重有所增加;

  • The diurnal water deficit of xerophilous and mesophilous species was low and super-xerophilous species had gradually increasing diurnal water deficit from dawn to dusk .
