


  • Dan zhi xiao yao san on spleen deficiency syndrome with features of significant symptoms such as loss of appetite abdominal distension curative effect is obviously superior to lorazepam to improve sleep mouth xerostomia have obvious curative effect .

    丹栀逍遥散对脾虚辨证有特征意义的症状,如食欲下降、腹胀等的疗效明显优于劳拉西泮,对改善睡眠、口苦 口干 有明显疗效。

  • The reaction of skin parotid ( xerostomia ) and oral mucosa were recorded during radiotherapy .

    研究 强放疗和 常规 联合野放疗 病人的腮腺、 脊髓、临床靶区和计划靶区的平均受照 体积,观察放疗期间 病人的皮肤反应、 口干(腮腺)反应和口腔黏膜反应。

  • Dry mouth called xerostomia is another common problem among people with diabetes .

    口干,称为 干燥 ,是另外一种糖尿病人普遍的问题。

  • Conclusion There existed close relationship between xerostomia and anemia and oral Candida albicans infection . The incidence of xerostomia was the highest among the menopause females .

    结论贫血症、白色念珠菌感染与 口干 有密切关系,更年期女性发病率最高。

  • A Clinical Analysis of Xerostomia of 204 Cases

    口干 204例临床分析

  • The xerostomia and its influence on quality of life of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients after radiotherapy

    鼻咽癌放疗后 干燥 及其对生活质量的影响

  • Amifostine in Prevention of Radiation-induced Xerostomia

    阿米福汀防治放射性 口干 临床 研究

  • Xerostomia rate was determined at the intervals of one day three months and six months after radiotherapy . Meanwhile salivary flow rate pH SIgA sodium ion and salivary amylase ( SAMY ) of blood serum were detected .

    于放疗后1天、3个月及6个月 统计 各组 口干 发生率并检测唾液流率、PH值、SIgA、钠离子浓度及血清涎腺型淀粉酶(SAMY)。

  • Combined assessment of xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients treated with surgery and postoperative intensity-modulated radiotherapy or conventional radiotherapy Evaluation of Multidetector CT Findings of Pre - and Post - Endovascular Stent-graft Placement in Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Secondary to Pulmonary Carcinoma

    头颈癌术后调强放疗 口干 的综合评价肺癌合并上腔静脉综合征介入治疗前后CT评价

  • Objective To make a summary of clinical characters of xerostomia .

    目的总结 口干 的临床特点。

  • Xerostomia has a significant impact on the patient ? s speech deglutition sleep and increases the morbidity rate of the tooth .

    鼻咽癌 放疗 干燥 对患者的讲话、吞咽、睡眠有严重影响,患牙病的几率增加。

  • The curative effect of glandula angularis transposition to treat xerostomia because of the postradiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    颌下腺移位术防治鼻咽癌放疗后 干燥 的疗效观察

  • No serious side-effects were foupd except that xerostomia in2 cases and hoarseness in1 case were observed .

    治疗组除2例有 口干,1例声音嘶哑外,无其它不良反应。

  • Results There was significant difference in xerostomia bitterness nausea vomit anorexia and astriction especially in astriction between the two groups ( all P < 0 01 ) .

    结果两组 病人 口干、口苦、恶心呕吐、食欲差、便秘等项阶段评分比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),便秘的各阶段及总分与对照组比较,均P<0.05。

  • Results The incidence of xerostomia is 100 % . Those from moderate to high degree comes to 68.6 % .

    结果 口干发生率100%,中度至高度口干者达68.6%;

  • Chlortrimeton could improve skin symptoms but it could not obviously improve the headache and stomach pain and the side effects such as xerostomia and lethargy occurred .

    氯苯吡胺虽能改善皮肤症状,但对头及胃痛改善不明显,并出现 口干和嗜睡副作用。

  • Gren 's syndrome ( SS ) also called sicca syndrome is a chronic and inflammatory autoimmune disorder characterized by the progressive lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltration of salivary and lacrimal glands which eventually results in xerostomia and xerophthalmia .

    gren综合征(Sj? gren'sSyndrome,SS),也称干燥综合征,是一种慢性炎症性自身免疫性疾病,病理特征为大量淋巴细胞和浆细胞进行性浸润涎腺和泪腺。

  • Objective : To investigate the effects of liquid Xuanmai ( traditional Chinese herbal ) on first-time radiotherapy Xerostomia in the patients with head and neck neoplasms .

    目的:探讨玄麦增液化毒饮治疗头颈肿瘤患者首程放疗中 口干 临床 疗效

  • Oncological safty evaluation of submandibular salivary gland transfer prevents radiation-induced xerostomia in the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma lateral position of submandibular gland sialography

    颌下腺移位预防鼻咽癌放疗后 干燥 安全性评价的临床对照研究

  • Objective To study the influence on xerostomia of radiotherapy in treatment of head and neck cancer .

    目的:探讨放射治疗头颈肿瘤 产生 口干 的影响因素。

  • Clinical Outcome of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Patients with Xerostomia during Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer

    中医治疗头颈肿瘤放疗中 口干 的疗效观察

  • Conclusion : Most common clinical features are grain lesions punctuate hemorrhage and xerostomia in early tongue amyloidosis .

    结论:早期舌淀粉样变性病临床以 白色颗粒、黏膜出血及 口干最常见。

  • CONCLUSION : 73.5 % of the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma after conventional radiation therapy experienced a moderate to severe degree of xerostomia .

    结论:73.5%行常规放疗的鼻咽癌患者有中度至重度的 口干

  • The main adverse reaction of isotretinoin was xerostomia .

    异维A酸主要不良反应为 口干

  • Clinical Analysis of Xerostomia in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiation Therapy

    鼻咽癌放疗后 干燥 的临床分析

  • In nine patients with xerostomia or bitter taste no one was cured five improved and the effective rate was 5 / 9 ;


  • The intensity of xerostomia after administration of receptor-M antagonist and before anesthesia induction the volume of airway secretion and the heart rate of each patient were recorded in 5 min 1 h 2 h after insertion of tracheal cannula and at extubation postoperation .

    观察记录给予M胆碱受体拮抗剂后,3组患者在麻醉诱导前 口腔 干燥程度,气管插管后5min、1h、2h和手术结束拔管时呼吸道分泌物量以及心率。

  • Methods The culture of oral Candida albicans the amount of tear flow and the sum of blood cells were investigated in 204 patients with xerostomia .

    方法对204例 口干 患者进行唾液白色念珠菌培养、泪腺流量测试、血细胞 计数

  • Because of xerostomia 70 % of patients have to change their living habits .

    70%以上的患者因 口干而被迫改变生活习惯。

  • Correlation between Clinical Manifestation and Salivary Secretion of Xerostomia Patients

    口腔 干燥 患者唾液分泌与相关因素分析