y parameter

[电] Y参数

  • We could even add a variable notation ( x = y + 12 ) and accept a Map as a parameter to the evaluate () function containing the starting values of each of those variables .

    我们甚至可以添加变量符号(“ x=y+12”)并接受Map作为evaluate()函数的 参数,该函数包含每个变量的初始值。

  • In order to calculate the torque the relationship between main parameter of MRF-yield stress τ y and intensity of magnetic field MRP subjected to have to be carried out first .

    在磁流变液软起动装置当中,输出的物理量为扭矩。要计算它的扭矩,首先需要找出其主要 参数-屈服剪切应力τ y和外磁场强度H之间的关系。

  • In this paper by using the graph theory an algorithm for calculating Y parameter matrix from the relative matrix and admittance matrix is put forward and the special resolving formula is also deduced .

    该文提出一种基于图论、由关联矩阵及导纳矩阵直接计算 Y 参数矩阵的方法,并推导出其具体的求解公式。

  • To make the problem simple the paper introduces a new parameter G ( I ) for the mass of strip products .

    为了简要地说明问题,对带钢产品的重量引进了一个新的 参数 G(I),并建立了一个表示 剪切 调整 变化 矩阵 Y IJ

  • The similar Y parameter transforms for the float cells

    对悬浮元器件的类 Y 参数变换

  • Using the internal relations among the transistor small signal parameter models such as H 、π and Y We may sum up the general express form and characteristic of the common emitter amplifier gain under different parameter models .

    利用 晶体管不同参数模型间的内在联系,归纳出在模型 参数下的共射放大电路增益的一般表达形式及其特点。

  • This paper draws high frepuency small signal models from the structural features of the transistor and discusses its Y parameter equivalent circuit and finds the quantitative relations between the parameters of various circuit models .

    由晶体管的结构特点,引出其高频小信号模型,并进一步分析晶体管的 参数等效电路,导出不同电路模型中电路参数之间的数量关系。

  • Then estimate again after introducing y parameter . It is discovered that the second unfit is rectified but the first unfit still exists and the fourth unfit appears .

    在双 参数 模型基础上增加 γ 参数,再对被试进行能力估计,发现 γ 参数能有效纠正第二失拟现象,而仍然存在第一失拟现象,同时还存在第四失拟现象;

  • Note that the root-level template also calls this template with a y parameter value of0 to start the recursive flow down the page .

    注意,根模板还将用值为0的 y 参数调用此模板,以启动页面中的递归流程。

  • The $ y value here is that of the y parameter of the template .

    此处的$y值是模板的 y 参数的值。

  • In this paper the scattering parameter expression of two port properties of impedance 2 ( in series connection ) and admittance Y ( in parallel connection ) is discussed and their active RC model is presented .

    讨论了用散射 参数表达的串联阻抗Z和并联导纳 Y的二端口特性,给出了它们的有源RC电路模型。

  • That means I can express x y and z in terms of any two parameter variables z that might be relevant for me .

    这就意味着,可以用任意两个,合适的 参数变量表示x, y和。

  • The Stability Parameter Y for Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow and its Application

    非牛顿流体流动的稳定性 参数 Y及其应用

  • A Method Based on the Graph Theory Used in Building Y Parameter Matrix for the Multi-port Network

    一种基于图论求解多端口网络 Y 参数矩阵的方法

  • When this parameter is set to Y the log files are split for each DB2 agent and the name of each file begins with the application ID of the DB2 agent .

    在将这个 参数设置为 Y时,日志文件就会对每个DB2代理进行分隔,每个文件的名称都是以这个DB2代理的应用程序ID开头的。

  • The line template accepts a y parameter meaning that when you call the line template you pass a value for this parameter to it analogous to passing an argument to a function call .

    line模板将接受 y 参数,表示在调用line模板时,将把此参数的值传递给该模板,类似于将实参传递给函数调用。

  • During making up mixing coal plan V-g1 could do as main parameter to comprehensively equalize the influence of parameters of G Y TI ( TR ) etc on strength .

    在制定配煤方案时,可以V-g1作为主要 参数,综合平衡G、 Y、TI(TR)等参数对强度的影响;

  • It tries to analyze the influences of c parameter and y parameter on the fit of various respondences from the subjects from the perspective of ability estimation .

    从能力估计的角度,分析c参数、 γ 参数对理想被试对各种作答情况的拟合能力。

  • In this method the analytic expressions of γ min and ( y / r ) γ min are derived because y / r is adopted as the variable therefore the parameter ( s / r ) optim can be determined precisely .

    由于采用 y/r作变数就可以给出(y/r)(γmin)的解析表达式,所以可以把 参数(s/f)(optim)的确定做得很精确。

  • Form Logistic four-parameter model by introducing c parameter and y parameter at the same time and estimate one more time . This model makes all kinds of unfits including the first second third and fourth unfits rectified .

    同时增加c、 γ 参数形成Logistic四参数模型,再对被试进行能力估计,这时该模型对各类失拟现象,包括第一、第二、第三、第四失拟现象都具有良好拟合能力。

  • After analyzing coupling relationships of structural parameters a viewpoint is brought forward that geometrical parameter Y and damping material loss factor β are temporarily decided before shear parameter x is determined .

    在分析了参数之间耦连关系后,提出了暂定刚度参数 Y和阻尼材料损耗因子β,先求剪切 参数x的解耦观点。

  • A analytical Method of n-port Network Described by Y - parameter

    Y 参数描述的n端口网络的一种分析方法

  • Applied network equation of state of circular current method and meanwhile that can be showed as a new formula of loop self-complex impedance and loop mutual-complex impedance to deduce arbitrary parameter Y of passive tow-port network . The other parameters can be deduced with the results .

    应用场论说中回路电流法的网络状态方程和同时可表示回路自复阻抗和回路互复阻抗的新公式,去推导任意的线性无源二端口网络的 Y 参数,从而导出其它参数。

  • And expectation estimate is a kind of Y ~ N ( 0 ) estimation to the parameter of primitive body .

    而期望估计则是对母体 参数进行 Y~N( 0)估计。

  • When passing the following list as a parameter ' ( ho wd y h o ) the following is a walk-through of the output

    当传递列表'(“ho”“wd”“ y”“h”“o”)作为 参数时,下面是递归输出

  • OK so we need to figure out a way y to express x and y in terms of the same parameter .

    我们需要用同一个 参数,表示出 x和。

  • Deduce the general equation of frequency shift caused by the circuit parameter which also can be applicable to the oscillator circuit work at any other frequencies when the Y-parameters of transistor and the circuit element are all known .

    推导有关电路 参量 变化所引起频率变化的一般方程,晶体管的 y 参量和振荡器电路元件都是已知的 情况下,此方程也适用于任何其它振荡器的工作频率。

  • Because of the complicated network which has numbers of ports it is difficult and unpractical to build Y parameter matrix directly .

    对于端口数较多、较复杂的网络,据定义直接计算 Y 参数矩阵将十分麻烦,甚至不可能。

  • A Simplified Method for Drawing Up the y w_1353 Parameter Tables of Transistor Two-Port Network Units

    三极管双口网络单元y w_1367 参数表的简便编制法