thyroid heart

[ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd hɑrt][ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd hɑ:t]

[医] 甲状腺性心[肌障碍]

  • Objective : It is to discuss the therapeutic effect of a small dosage of thyroid tablets on refractory congestive heart failure .

    结论:小剂量 甲状腺片短程治疗难治性 心衰疗效较好。

  • Clinical Significance of Determination of Plasma Thyroid Hormone in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure

    充血性 心力衰竭血浆 甲状腺素测定的临床意义

  • Changes of serum thyroid hormones in 32 patients with chronic heart failure

    慢性 心力衰竭32例的血清 甲状腺素变化

  • Results 29 thyroid storms gets with the ex-period in evidence of the danger on time diagnose and reasonable treatment rescue success 3 thyroid storms merges respectively severe PIH and hyperthyroidism heart attack Aase and diabetes mellitus ketosis acidosis death .

    结果29例甲亢危象和危象前期得到及时诊断和合理治疗,抢救成功,3例 甲亢危象分别合并重度妊娠高血压综合征及甲状腺功能亢进性 心脏病阿斯综合征和糖尿病酮症酸中毒死亡。

  • Objective : To investigate the relationship of thyroid hormones to congestive heart failure .

    目的:探讨 甲状腺激素与充血性 心力衰竭的关系。

  • The thyroid functions in 10 patients with hyperthyroid heart disease were not different compared with the ones of other 50 patients without hyperthyroid heart disease but their respiratory muscle strength was significantly lower than the ones of latter .

    10例甲亢性 心脏病(甲心病)与50例非甲心病甲亢患者 甲状腺功能无明显差别,但甲心病患者呼吸肌力明显低于非甲心病患者。

  • The change of the plasma thyroid hormone in patients with coronary heart disease and heart failure

    冠心病 心力衰竭患者血 甲状腺激素的变化

  • Therapeutic effect of thyroid hormone on heart dysfunction caused by thoracic wall gunshot wounds

    甲状腺素对胸部火器伤后 功能不全治疗作用的实验研究

  • The 131 I therapy of Graves'disease ( with a thyroid enlargement below grade - ⅱ) induced less hyperthyroid heart disease hepatic injury or leukopenia than the ATD therapy .

    131碘治疗 甲状腺肿大Ⅱ度以下的Graves病出现甲状腺功能亢进性 心脏病、肝功能受损、白细胞降低等问题少于ATD。

  • Subtotal thyroidectomy and propranolol in the therapy for thyroid heart disease : four years ' clinical observation

    甲状腺次全切除术与心得安联合治疗 甲亢心脏病四年观察&积极外科治疗的合理性

  • The main changes of thyroid hormone level in patients with heart failure are decreased T3 and normal TSH which is called as low-T3 syndrome .

    心力衰竭患者 甲状腺激素水平变化主要表现为三碘甲状腺原氨酸减低,促甲状腺激素正常,称为低三碘甲状腺原氨酸综合征。

  • To our knowledge no clinical trial has tested whether ( treatment with thyroid hormone ) could protect against heart disease the authors note .

    “据我们所知,没有临床试验探讨 甲状腺激素治疗是否有 心脏保护作用,”作者指出。

  • Objective To investigate the changes of plasma thyroid hormones during and aller heart surgery .

    目的观察 心脏手术期间及术后血浆 甲状腺激素的变化规律。

  • Relationship between Yang Deficiency Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Thyroid Hormone Variability in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

    慢性 心力衰竭阳虚证型与 甲状腺激素关系的研究

  • We observed the changes of serum level of thyroid hormone in 56 patients with congestive heart failure and found that triiodothyronine ( T 3 ) reduced and reverse triiodothyronine ( rT 3 ) elevated significantly .

    测定56例充血性 心力衰竭(CHF)患者 甲状腺激素水平的变化,发现三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)明显低于正常,反三碘甲状腺原氨酸(rT3)显著升高。

  • Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism by Product of the Peak Velocity of Superior Thyroid Artery and Heart Rate

    应用 甲状腺上动脉峰速与 心率乘积诊断甲亢的探讨

  • Changes of Thyroid Function in Pre - and Post - Operative Heart Disease

    心脏手术前、后 甲状腺功能的变化

  • Purpose : To observe the effect of Qi-Tonifying and Yang-Warming Therapy on thyroid hormone level in congestive heart failure .

    目的:观察加用益气温阳法治疗充血性 心力衰竭(CHF)的疗效及对 甲状腺激素的影响。

  • Clinical observation of long-term small dose thyroid hormone treatment in the old men with congestive heart failure

    甲状腺素治疗老年充血性 心衰的临床观察

  • All patients were confirmed by CT MRI DSA or pathology and the function of thyroid gland 、 heart 、 liver 、 kidney was normal .

    全部病例均经CT、MRI、DSA或病理证实,并且 甲状腺、肝、肾功能正常。

  • We employed subtotal thyroidectomy and propranolol for the therapy on 19 consecutive patients with thyroid heart disease from January 1980 to October 1983 . There were 9 male and 10 female patients ranging from 25 to 55 years of age .

    1980年1月至1983年10月对 甲亢心脏病连续性19例患者应用甲状腺次全切除术与心得安联合治疗。本组性别女10人、男9人,年龄分布25至55岁。

  • Nursing care of 11 patients undergoing thyroid carcinoma radical operation after heart valve replacement

    11例 心脏瓣膜置换术后病人行 甲状腺癌改良根治术的护理

  • Application of Thyroid Hormone in Heart Transplantation

    甲状腺激素在 心脏移植手术中的应用

  • The Abnormal Changes and Clinical Characteristic of Thyroid Hormone and Troponin I in Congestive Heart Failure

    充血性 心力衰竭甲状腺激素和肌钙蛋白I异常变化及其临床意义

  • Thyroid effect would only weaken the heart .

    甲状腺反映只会让 心脏变得更脆弱。

  • Objective To study the relationship between the serum levels of thyroid hormone and the degree of the congestive heart failure as well as the effects of thyroxine on elderly patients with chronic severe congestive heart failure ( CHF ) . CAPTOPRIL IN THE TREATMENT OF SEVERE CHRONIC CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE

    目的探讨老年慢性充血 心力衰竭(心衰)患者血浆 甲状腺激素(TH)水平与心衰程度的关系及小剂量甲状腺素补充治疗的疗效。血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂Captopril对严重充血性心力衰竭的临床疗效初步观察

  • Concentrations of thyroid hormones and cortisol were measured in heart disease patients before and after the operation .

    测定 心脏病手术前、后 血清 甲状腺激素及皮质醇浓度。

  • The comparison of the changes of the thyroid functions between the coronary heart disease ( CHD ) and hypertension with CHD

    冠心病与高血压病合并冠心病患者 甲状腺功能变化比较

  • Change and significance of serum thyroid hormone in children with congestive heart failure

    充血性 心力衰竭患儿血清 甲状腺激素水平的变化及意义