to ally with...


  • Wu Sangui 's forces had overrun most of southern China and he tried to ally himself with local generals such as Wang Fuchen .

    吴三桂的部队已超支大部分华南地区的 盟友,他 试图 当地将军本人,如汪肤郴。

  • In 1948 Yugoslavia was thought to be the most faithful ally of the Soviet Union but her conflict and break with the Soviet Union denied the tale .

    1948年曾被认为是苏联最忠诚的 盟友的南斯拉夫 苏联之间发生的冲突乃至以后的决裂都否认了这一神话。

  • He 's trying desperately to ally himself with anyone who will listen to his side of the story .

    他千方百计地 找到一个愿意听他的说辞的人 支持自己。

  • Other financial institutions are in good positions to ally themselves with financial leasing firms .

    其它金融机构则 金融租赁公司 结盟方面状态良好。

  • Their ability to transform nature forever dld not have ally fundamental im improvement compared with that of the ancient Chinese society and the agriculture technology remained unchanged . The immigrant and exploiting are the kind features of human transform nature .

    但是,这种改造自然的能力 之中国古代仍没有根本的 改观,农业技术基本处于停滞状态。移民和土地开发是人类改造自然的一种形式,其产生的影响涉及迁出与迁入区的全区域。

  • He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement .

    他除了 新运动 结盟别无选择。

  • These leaders particularly the squad leaders and deputy squad leaders should be subordinate to and ally themselves with the majority while respecting the minority .

    党的各级主要领导人,特别是班长、副班长,要 服从 团结多数,尊重少数。

  • The Night Elves unable to defeat the raging Demons and are forced to ally themselves with the ancient Dragons in order to banish the Legion from the world .

    夜精灵无法击败这些凶猛的恶魔,为了把炽炎军团逐出这个世界, 被迫 古代龙类 结盟

  • On the basis of recently declassified archival material in the US and Japan this author finds that Japan 's strategic choice to ally with the United States since World War II has been decided collectively by the four factors .

    基于对可以收集到的日本和美国的文献的研究,本文作者发现,冷战期间日本 做出 美国 结盟的战略选择无不受上述四个因素的影响。

  • King Stannis had sent ravens to White Harbor seeking to ally himself with the Manderlys without reply .

    史坦尼斯王 向白港派出的探寻联合可能的渡鸦音讯全无,结果此次派遣 佛斯作为官方特使派过来。

  • Mr Obama should also pay closer attention to Japan – a vital strategic ally that like the US itself is trying to come to terms with China 's rise .

    奥巴马也应更加关注日本。与美国自身一样,这个重要的战略 盟友也在设法 适应中国的崛起。

  • Meanwhile with transition of demand of consumers from tangible quality to both intangible and tangible quality it is very important for members of supply chain to cooperate and ally with each other .

    同时,随着消费者需求从原先的主要注重有形质量到开始注重有形和无形双重质量的转变,要求供应链中的成员 寻求共同的合作和 联盟

  • He thanked heaven that he was a New Yorker and about to ally himself with one of his own kind .

    他暗自庆幸自己是纽约人,并 一个自己同类人 结成 眷属

  • It will buy you time to get a heal or to have an ally deal with the player attacking you .

    它是为了给你争取到治疗的时间或你的 队友 处理攻击者的时间。

  • And in spite of the cosmopolitan views on which he prided himself he thanked heaven that he was a New Yorker and about to ally himself with one of his own kind .

    而且,尽管他自夸了解那些大都市人的观点,却谢天谢地自己是个纽约人,而且就 他的一位同类 联姻

  • It is now time for Beijing to ally itself more directly with Washington to start pressuring Pyongyang .

    现在是中国更直接地 美国配合、开始对 平壤施压的时候了。

  • She cannot be seen to ally herself with the children against the father .

    她不能被看作是 孩子们 联手对抗他们的父亲。

  • Alliance races will not be able to ally or party with Horde races .

    联盟内的种族将不能 部落中的种族 结盟或者组队。

  • Thus did ministers seek to reconcile Germany 's duties as an ally with its instinctive pacifism born of the horrors of the second world war .

    这就是为什么生于二战恐怖下的 阁僚力图将德国的责任 与其与生俱来的 和平主义情结”挂钩。

  • The search company also chose not to ally itself with a local partner with the heft and the connections to provide cover from hostile bureaucrats and politicians .

    这家搜索公司还选择了不与有权有势、能在不友好的官员和政治家面前为其打掩护的当地合作伙伴 结盟

  • To shake off this difficult situation Japan decided to ally with some other countries .

    为摆脱这种困境,日本决定 对外 结盟 道路