to heel

[tu hil][tu: hi:l]


  • Even the most awkward person will come to heel if he is tackled in the right way .

    即使是最难应付的人,只要用正确的方法对待他,他也会 顺从的。

  • They include bringing inflation to heel and phasing out unsustainable subsidies for fuel fertilizer and food .

    这些政策包括抑制通货膨胀,逐步取消对石油、 化肥和食品的补贴。

  • It is uneasy to make a tiger come to heel . It isn 't easy to size up the situation .


  • He refused to come to heel and had to be removed from the class .

    他拒绝 紧跟,不得不被班里开除了。

  • A big knight stepped down from the back of a wagon clad head to heel in company steel .

    一个大个子的其实从货车后面走下来,从头 包裹着军团的铁甲。

  • Now Tom shivered from head to heel ; for his eye fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe .

    这时,汤姆的目光落到了 印第安-乔的脸上,发现他无动于衷。

  • I 'm training my dog to come to heel .

    我在训练我的狗让 紧跟着我。

  • When his father cut off his allowance Peter soon came to heel .

    彼得的父亲减少了彼得的零用钱,彼得很快 驯服了。

  • It 's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel .

    总统将如何行使自己的权力使共和党人 就范仍不太清楚。

  • If someone as politically adept dedicated and charismatic as Yvo de Boer can 't bring the UN w_2001 process to heel then the process is broken and has to be reformed .

    如果像 德波尔这样政治老练、敬业、富有魅力的人都不能驾驭(联合国)进程,那就说明该进程已被破坏,必须进行改革。

  • It is uneasy to make a tiger come to heel .


  • That is a wonderful business to be in . It is also one we seem unable to bring to heel .

    这是个绝妙的行当,也是一项我们似乎无法 迫使就范的业务。

  • The player tried to heel the hall back but was stopped by an opponent .

    那个队员 脚跟向后 传球但却被对方队员挡住了。

  • When Sam was 16 he thought he could do as he pleased but his father cut off his allowance and Sam soon came to heel .

    萨姆16岁时以为他可以为所欲为了,可父亲断绝了他的零用钱后,萨姆很快就 听话了。

  • Taking a stand now may avert ( or bring to heel ) a devastating epidemic in the world of corporate governance .

    现在就明确立场,或许可避免(或 阻止)这种现象在公司治理界大肆流行。

  • He couldn 't bring his dog to heel .

    他不能时刻把狗带 身边

  • At a word from his owner the dog moved to heel .

    主人一招呼,狗就 在他身后了。

  • Mr Liu also said he was unaware of any moves by China to reduce its food or energy aid to North Korea something the US has long encouraged it to do as a lever to bring Pyongyang to heel on the nuclear issue .

    刘建超还表示,他没有听说中国将减少对朝粮食及能源援助的任何举措。美国一直鼓励中国采取上述做法,以此迫使 平壤在核问题上 让步

  • Having beaten off brutal attempts to bring them to heel the Dutch now have little love for Hapsburg-ruled Spain or Austria . A distant Catholic emperor holds no appeal for them .

    在击退了他们强大的攻击后,荷兰人对于在 哈普斯堡皇室统治下的西班牙和奥地利已经没有了好感。

  • Her dog yelped and came to heel .

    她的狗汪地叫了一声, 紧跟了上来。

  • Now our feet will move slowly between his hands his hands clinging to heel loop spinal roots to relax his forehead to find the direction of our legs .

    现在将我们的双脚慢慢的移向双手之间,双手环抱住 脚跟,脊柱根部放松,额头去找我们小腿的方向。

  • A skating figure executed with the skates heel to heel in a straight line .

    一种滑冰动作既用冰鞋的 后跟沿直线滑行。

  • But ultimately they all report to a single master and must eventually come to heel .

    最终,他们都要向一个主人汇报,最后也都 臣服

  • But now Summerville had come to heel which might be another motive for her trip out West .

    可是现在索姆威勒 紧跟着她,或许离开西方有其它的活动。

  • And Kobe went from hero to heel .

    科比也从英雄 变成了站不 脚跟 枭雄

  • ( used of boats ) inclined to heel over easily under sail . The ship laid along in a strong crosswind .

    (用于船的)在航海中易于 倾侧的。那只船被一阵强烈的侧风吹得倾斜了。

  • He admits some people may scoff at his statement given that it is rooted in accountants getting their act together rather than regulators bringing them to heel .

    他承认有些人可能会嘲笑他的说法,因为这种做法的基础是,会计师们应自我约束,而不是由监管机构 他们提出 强行规定。

  • Location is key to heel selection .

    位置 对于 高跟 的选择也非常关键。

  • He had only to speak one word and his dog would come to heel at once .

    他只要叫一声,他的狗就会立刻 在他后面。

  • The study foreign language seem to heel take the entrance examination of university similar become leading to one of the successful essential conditions .

    学习外语 似乎 考大学一样,成为通向成功的必要条件之一。