


  • They wanted the regulatory and corporate governance thumbs-up of a London listing the traditional home of mining companies .

    它们希望能通过在伦敦上市的监管及公司治理方面的 审核

  • We 've got the thumbs-up so now we can get down to work .

    我们已获得 准许,因此现在可以干起来了。

  • Richard Trappl a professor of the University of Vienna gave a thumbs-up sign saying the concert was a worthwhile effort to help Europeans better understand Chinese history and culture .

    奥地利维也纳大学教授 理查德•特拉普尔说,这场音乐会非常棒,是一个有益的尝试,能够帮助欧洲人更好地理解中国的历史和文化。

  • He then waved and gave a thumbs-up to fans as he was taken by stretcher to the medical centre .

    他然后波动而且给予了一 拇指 -由狂热者 决定当他被到医学的中心担架轮流了。

  • Or you could add a column called vote where team members give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down for each item .

    您还可以添加一个称为“投票”的列,工作组成员可以为其中的各个项添加 赞成或反对批注。

  • Stephen 's trademark thumbs-up pose was coined after he sent a message from his hospital bed with the message ' a final thumbs up from me ' .

    在斯蒂芬从病床上传达出我最后一次竖起大拇指的信息后,他的标志性 竖起 大拇指的姿势得到了 纷纷 响应

  • And if I get a lot of thumbs-up Ill create a video on how to reshape your brows for different looks .

    而如果我收到很多个 ,我会做一个为不同 妆扮改造你的眉毛的影片。

  • Thumbs-up and smiles filthy but happy Tough Guy competitors wade through a muddy obstacle on Sunday Jan.31 .


  • It makes me see double . A few times a week Richard and I wander into town and share one small bottle of Thumbs-Up a radical experience after the purity of vegetarian Ashram food always being careful not to actually touch the bottle with our lips .

    理查和我每个礼拜进城数次,共享一小瓶 大拇指在道场的纯净素食后,是一种激进的体验我们总是小心翼翼不让自己的嘴唇碰到瓶子。

  • He turned and gave the familiar thumbs-up sign to the crowd .

    他转过身,向人群做了个常见的 拇指的手势。

  • The driver grinned and gave me a thumbs-up sign .

    汽车司机会意地咧嘴一笑,向我竖起 大拇指

  • + 1 is currently in limited release and only applies to search results at the moment but will eventually let users to give the thumbs-up to search results too .


  • Before I knew it I was completely encircled by the villagers all with big smiles and thumbs-up .

    一不留神我就被村民们团团围住,大家都笑着 竖起大拇指

  • We are all gave jack 's advice thumbs-up but they are not .

    我们 赞成杰克的建议但是他们反对。

  • And you read my story and you gave me that fake smile and the thumbs-up .

    你也读了我的文章还对我虚伪的一笑 竖起 大拇指

  • He had given me a thumbs-up when he heard about our China boycott then told me he was going to swear off Wal-Mart for good this year .

    听到我要 抵制中国制造的时候他很赞赏,并且告诉我今年他再也不去沃尔玛了。

  • The thumbs-up sign is equivalent to the middle finger in Greece and Sardinia .

    在希腊和撒丁岛, 大拇指等同于竖中指。

  • The Analysis of Driven Riser Capacity Changed with Time The driver grinned and gave me a thumbs-up sign .

    打入式隔水导管 竖向承载 机理的时效性分析汽车司机会意地咧嘴一笑,向我竖起 大拇指

  • She checked the hall then gave the others a thumbs-up sign .

    她查看了一下大厅,然后冲其他人竖了 一下 大拇指

  • Three weeks ago his blog went viral when with a collapsed lung and believing he was a goner the teenager posted a picture of himself in a hospital bed giving his trademark thumbs-up sign .

    三周之前,他的博客在网上疯传。随着肺部情况的急剧恶化,斯蒂芬认为自己是一个将死者,但是他发布了一张自己在病床上竖起标志性的 大拇指的照片。

  • Workers would applaud and give the thumbs-up sign of approval .

    工人们会拍手喝彩并竖起 大拇指表示同意。

  • The Bosnian Serb general gives the thumbs-up and waves as the Dutch drive off .

    这位波黑塞族 军队 上将 竖起 大拇指 驱车离开的荷兰 士兵挥手 告别

  • The remarkable ancient design and construction is a marvel and the Colosseum still gets a unanimous thumbs-up .

    这座非凡的古建筑,其设计和建造都是一个奇迹,因此仍然获得了世人的一致 称赞

  • He made a thumbs-up sign and said good good !

    他跷起 大拇指说:“好,好!”

  • They gave Lavalle the thumbs-up sign

    他们对拉瓦列 竖起大拇指

  • Smile often dont be afraid to touch others during conversation and be generous with the thumbs-up sign .

    经常微笑,在对话期间不要担心与别人有 肢体接触的 动作,并且要大方 做出 竖起 大拇指这个 动作

  • Susan : Well if a German man gives a thumbs-up tosgroupsa soda from a waitress in America she might think he likes her !

    苏珊:如果德国人在美国向女服务员伸出 大拇指点汽水,她可能会以为他对她有意思呢!

  • I smiled back and gave him a thumbs-up .

    瑞安笑了笑,回他一个 翘起 大拇指

  • She has been following simple commands like moving her toes squeezing a hand and giving the thumbs-up sign .

    她已经能执行一些简单的指令,例如动脚趾,握紧手和竖起 大拇指