to perfection

[tu pɚˈfɛkʃən][tu: pəˈfekʃən]


  • He imitates people to perfection .

    他模仿别人, 惟妙惟肖

  • Still he plays the part of the loser to perfection .

    终究,他是在扮演一个 输家的角色。

  • Balk production are chosen strictly controlled so that their products can come to perfection .

    每件产品的生产,均精挑细选,严格把关,使产品更臻 完美

  • And to Perfection all our efforts we devote .

    我们献身 为了所有努力都 完满

  • She played the music to perfection .

    她把这支乐曲演奏 完美无缺

  • We shall play our parts to perfection .

    我们就要像个 样子

  • This paper analyzes the limits and reasons of searching engines and puts forward some measures concerning to perfection of the engines as well as their developing orientation .

    摘要文章分析了搜索引擎目前存在的主要缺陷及其原因,并提出了 完善搜索引擎检索功能的各项措施,同时也指出了搜索引擎今后的发展方向。

  • We talked immensely understanding one another to perfection .

    我们谈了好多好多话,彼此谈 融洽极了。

  • They have driven their system of managing people to perfection Qing says .

    他们把人员管理制度发展 极致,青桐表示。

  • The hot-air balloon pushes Human 's passion for creativity and its natural imagination up to perfection .

    人类激情的创造力、天才的想象力,在热气球之表达到了 极致

  • I was very devout in those days and was practicing my religious devotions almost to perfection .

    那段日子我非常虔诚并且近乎 至善地进行修持。

  • Create your own word list and practice them to perfection .

    创建您自己的单词表和实践 完美

  • The dress shows off her figure to perfection .

    这套服装 恰到好处 显示出她的身材。

  • It is unrealistic to dream of love and marriage to perfection under most circumstances with the cruel reality being instinct with contradiction .

    在绝大多数情况下,梦想 极致 完美的爱情和婚姻的确不够现实,因为现实就是充满矛盾的残酷。

  • Like the old trouper he is he timed his entry to perfection .

    作为一名老戏骨,他上场的时间把握得 恰到好处

  • Quality and Services are foundations Continuing Improvement up to Perfection !

    质量 根,服务为本;持续改善 追求 卓越

  • The swivel had been oiled to perfection .

    旋轴已经上 了油。

  • He acted his part to perfection .


  • She played the difficult piano concerto to perfection .

    她将这首难度大的钢琴协奏曲弹奏 完美无缺

  • Mike can take off his father to perfection .

    迈克模仿爸爸时 惟妙惟肖

  • So there need not be any fear that someday the computer will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection .

    所以不必有任何担心,总有一天,电脑会控制我们和所有我们应该期望的是尽最大努力把它 完善

  • Our Banqueting team dedicated to assist you in planning and running your event to perfection .

    我们优秀的宴会服务团队将协助您打造 完美的宴会和会议。

  • Perhaps you will see life a lot differently than before and realize that it is planned to perfection even if you cannot see its benefit to you .

    也许你会觉得生活比起以前有太多的不同,并且明白它都基于一个 完美的计划,即使你无法完全明白它对你们的好处。

  • The kitchen was cleaned to perfection .

    厨房打扫 干干净净

  • It 's amazing how close to perfection you can get if you 're willing to try .

    如果你愿意尝试,你就会惊奇地发现,自己离 完美是多么的近。

  • Under the careful guidance of their mother the cheetah cubs grow technically closer to perfection .

    在母亲的细心教导下,小 猎豹的捕食技艺 日俱进。

  • Ralph Richardson contrived to combine both these qualities to perfection .

    拉尔夫里查森设法把这两种品质 尽善尽美地结合在一起。

  • Your domain was on the high seas ; your builders brought your beauty to perfection .

    你的 境界在海中,造你的使你全然美丽。

  • She dances to perfection .

    她的舞跳 真是 完美好极了w_977。