to little avail

[tu ˈlɪtl əˈvel][tu: ˈlitl əˈveil]


  • For years the government and scholars try to resolve the problem by both theory and practice but is of little avail .

    多年来,政府、学者等做了很多理论探讨和实践摸索, 试图解决这一问题,但一直 收效 甚微

  • We tried everything to keep the little dog alive but to without avail .

    我们曾 竭尽全力抢救这只 小狗的生命,但 徒劳无功

  • Other industries followed often to little avail .

    其它行业纷纷效仿,但通常 收效 甚微

  • Your ability to argue is of little avail if the facts are wrong .

    如果论据是错的,你的辩论也 没有 什么 了。

  • We tried but it was to little avail .

    我们尝试过。但 徒劳无益

  • Andrew Gowers a former Financial Times editor is his head of PR and they launched a very visible public campaign to little avail .

    英国《金融时报》前总编安德鲁高尔斯(AndrewGowers)是他的公关主管,他们发起了一场有声有色的公关活动, 什么 用处

  • We 've economized as much as possible but to little great avail since we still owe a lot of money .

    我们尽可能节俭,但 什么 ,因为我们仍然欠了一大笔债。

  • Our country began to carry out system of agency in foreign trade in 1984 . However this system has been proved of little avail in foreign trade for many years what 's the reason on earth ?

    我国从1984年 开始试行外贸代理制,但是多年来,外贸代理制在我国外贸实践中 收效 甚微,究竞原因何在?

  • He did everything he could to restore his tattered reputation but to little avail .


  • I tried to borrow some money but to little avail .

    我想借些钱,但 徒劳了一

  • You may be clear to yourself but that in itself is of little avail .

    你可能自己心中明了,但仅此一 无济于事

  • I apologized repeatedly but to little avail .

    我一再道歉,但 丝毫 没有 奏效