


  • The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard

    最近霍乱的爆发 及时提醒了人们该疾病仍然会严重危害健康。

  • Notice of meetings should be given beforehand ; this is like issuing a “ Notice to Reassure the Public ” so that everybody will know what is going to be discussed and what problems are to be solved and can make timely preparations .

    开会要事先通知,像出安民告示一样,让大家知道要讨论什么问题,解决什么问题,并且 作准备。

  • His victory in the first race here on Tuesday was a timely pointer to his chance of remaining unbeaten

    周二他在这里取得的第一轮比赛胜利是个 及时的信号,说明他可能保持不败。

  • News reports must be timely .


  • A timely bingo win brought some cheer to Juliet Little 's family yesterday .

    昨天玩宾戈赢了一把, 适时地给朱丽叶·利特尔一家带来些许的欢快心情。

  • This is a timely rain indeed .

    这场雨下得真 及时呀!

  • Timely rain benefited reproductive wheat .

    一场 及时雨对小麦生长有利。

  • We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help .

    我们特别感谢他的 及时帮助。

  • His wound healed quickly because of timely treatment .

    因为治疗 及时,他的伤好得很快。

  • Jones 's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner .

    琼斯的一番 高见来得正是时候,对于俱乐部中许多相信好日子已经不远的人来说不啻于当头一棒。

  • A timely snow promises a good harvest .


  • If it had not been for your timely help I would have failed .

    如果当时没有你 及时的帮助,我会失败的。

  • The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops .

    这场 及时雨使受旱的禾苗都缓过来了。

  • The exhibition is timely since ' self-taught ' art is catching on in a big way .

    展会召开得非常 及时,因为“自修”艺术正在广泛流行。