Let 's start by examining the three functions to which we have access that can construct and manipulate timers .
让我们先来看一看三个用来创建以及操作 timer的函数。
Keep in mind that the timer callback function is executed on a worker thread so you 'll want to ensure that you have thread-safe access to the state object .
记住 定时回调功能是在一个工作者线程上执行的,所以你必须确保 访问state对象的线程安全。
Thirdly the functions of cache mapping entry timer method on access router are implemented by the programming of new data structure definition and function operation of cache mapping table .
其次,通过引入新的缓存映射表的数据结构定义和函数操作,完成了缓存映射条目 定时器方案在 接入路由器上的功能实现。
This algorithm maintains an access delay timer for each user so that the user whose access delay is close to the maximum delay can get prior scheduling opportunity .
该算法为每个用户维护一个访问时延 计时器,使 访问时延接近时延上限的用户优先获得调度机会。
A timer is started whose handler is going to access the data structure .
管理者要 存取数据结构会开启一个 定时器。
Audio-video synchronization technique based frame structure and TDMA ( time division multiplex access ) based on timer were proposed aiming at WiFi module . The pointer to pointer wireless transmission of access system performed timely .
其中针对WiFi模块,提出了基于 定时器的分时复用的传输方法和基于帧结构的音视频同步机制,实现可视 门禁系统点对点的无线音视频实时传输。
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