

n.时代时代有时总是落后于时代时间( time的名词复数 )时机所需时间


  • She 's visited China many times .

    她曾 多次访问中国。

  • I found Ben 's cynicism wearing at times .


  • He repeated the word several times .


  • We already get The Times .

    我们已经订了《 泰晤士报

  • I knocked at the door several times but there was no answer .

    我敲了几 门,但没人答应。

  • That house has changed hands three times in five years .


  • Over the years Yul and Kirk had crossed paths many times .


  • Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times .

    她的照片登在了《纽约 时报 的头版上。

  • I get mixed up about times and places .

    我没有 时间感和方位感。

  • There are fixed times for study and for work .

    学习、工作都有一定的 时间

  • He was a newspaperman for The New York Times and some other journals .

    他是个记者,为《纽约 时报 和其他一些报刊撰稿。

  • We 've tried this method for no one knows how many times .


  • How many times has your mother told you never to talk to strangers ?

    你母亲告诉你多少 了,绝不能和陌生人谈话?

  • Britain was allied with the United States many times in history .

    历史上英国曾 多次与美国结盟。

  • The clothes have been rinsed three times .


  • I 've played against him a few times .

    我已 多次和他交手。

  • Two main glacial epochs affected both areas during the last 100 million years of Precambrian times .

    在前寒武纪的最后1亿年中,两个主要的冰川 时期对两个地区都产生了影响。

  • The speech had already been redrafted 22 times .

    演讲稿已经改写过22 了。

  • The air pollution exceeds most acceptable levels by 10 times or more .

    大气污染程度超出了普遍认可的标准10 或更多。

  • The rice has been washed for three times .

    米已经淘了三过 了。

  • I rang up to inquire about train times

    我打了电话查询列车 时刻

  • She was knifed in the back six times .

    她的 背部中了6刀。

  • I read your brother 's obituary in the Times .

    我在《 泰晤士报 上看到了你哥哥的讣告。

  • From ancient times our forefathers have laboured lived and multiplied on this land .

    自古 以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。

  • We ate lunch together a few times .

    我们一起吃过几 午餐。

  • We saw the therapist four times and the children have now settled down .

    我们去看了四 治疗专家,现在孩子们已经稳定下来了。

  • It would be a good idea if you could do this exercise twice or three times on separate days .

    如果你能将此练习隔几天做上两三 就好了。

  • I must have driven past that place thousands of times .

    我得有上千 开车经过那里。

  • I think the reformers have at times oversold the reforms .

    我认为改革者 有时过分吹嘘了改革的好处。

  • He 's visited Dalian many times .

    他曾 多次访问大连。