



  • He and I worked together on a book

    我和他 写了一本书。

  • People stood packed together tightly .

    人们拥挤地站在 一起

  • I want us all to be a happy family together

    我希望我们大家都能 一起,成为一个幸福的家庭。

  • The two main right-wing opposition parties together won 29.8 per cent

    两大右翼反对党 合计赢得29.8%的选票。

  • She clasped her hands together on her lap

    十指紧扣,放 膝上。

  • His tough brand of social democracy was largely successful in holding the country together .

    他别具一格的强硬的社会民主主义在很大程度上成功地使该国 团结 一起

  • She was very headstrong and very together

    她非常倔强,又非常 精干

  • They all live together in a three-bedroom house

    他们全都 一块儿住在一幢三居室的房子里。

  • The companies have together spent £ 300 million

    这些公司 总计支出3亿英镑。

  • Together they swam to the ship .

    他们 一起游向那艘船。

  • We were together for five years

    我们 共同 生活了5年。

  • Winckelmann declared that art and freedom went together


  • The two together are particularly deadly .

    二者 相加尤为致命。

  • Three horses crossed the finish line together

    3匹马 同时越过终点线。

  • He has done enough to pull the party together

    他为使政党 内部 团结 一致已经做得够多了。

  • I know on the surface I appear to be quite a together person

    我知道表面上我似乎自信 能干

  • I can see that some colours go together and some don 't

    我看得出来有些颜色 相配,有些却不 协调

  • Passion kept us together .

    激情使我们 一起

  • If a window is broken you can 't stick it back together again .

    如果窗户碎了,就无法再把它粘回到 一起了。

  • Mix the ingredients together thoroughly

    把配料充分 混合

  • Every month we 'll deliver the very best articles together with the latest fashion and beauty news

    每个月我们都登载最好的文章, 还有最新的时尚美容资讯。

  • I had to take a break for a cup of tea before I could really get myself together .

    在我能 振作 精神之前,必须先休息一下喝杯茶。

  • We went on long bicycle rides together

    我们 一起骑自行车长途旅行。

  • Ginette and I gathered our things together

    我和 吉内特把东西收拢好。

  • ' Yes ' they said together .

    “是的,”他们 齐声说。

  • Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates .

    贫困、文盲与高出生率 密切相关。

  • A famine started which together with the war carried away millions of lives

    一场饥荒开始了, 上战争,夺走了几百万条生命。

  • The trees grew close together

    树木密密地长 一起

  • Together they account for less than five per cent of the population

    他们 总共占不到总人口的5%。