top address

[tɑp əˈdrɛs][tɔp əˈdres]


  • Chrome is named after the area at the top of a browser screen that contains the address bar tabs settings and navigation buttons .

    chrome是以该浏览器屏幕的 顶部区域命名的,该区域包括 地址栏、标签、设置和导航按钮。

  • And if I 'm already in this habit let my software let my computer do that thinking for me and bubble up to the top of my attention what I should address first .

    如果我已经有这样的习惯,让我的软件,或者电脑为我 考虑这些事情,自动的把这,些 邮件 放到的最醒目的地方& 上面

  • He says the books picked by the top university faculty both address some of the must-know contemporary social and political issues and rediscover the significance of classics .

    他表示, 一流大学的教员们挑选的书目在 涉猎一些你不可不知的当今社会热点和政治事件之外,还令你再次感悟经典的伟大之处。

  • The data of the research are the top ten famous speeches collected from the speech against the Iraq War in Oct.2002 to the Inaugural Address on Jan.20th 2009 .

    本文的 语料是从2002年的反伊战演到2009年的就职演讲等10篇闻名于世的经典 演讲

  • Mr Bell himself got the top job when Jim Cantalupo died of a heart attack hours before he was due to address a convention of McDonald 's franchisees .

    贝尔先生本人是在 吉姆·坎塔卢波(JimCantalupo)死于心脏病突发之后得到这一 高层职位的。当时坎塔卢波正准备在几个小时之后的麦当劳特许经销商会议上 致词

  • Remember to place your or your company 's address at the top of the letter ( or use your company 's letterhead ) followed by the address of the company you are writing to .

    记住把你的住址或者公司的地址写在信件的抬头(或者使用公司印有抬头的信笺),紧随你要寄往的公司的 地址 下面

  • Interface en2 is configured on top of ent2 and a valid IP address is assigned to en2 .

    在ent2 配置接口en2,给en2分配一个有效的IP 地址

  • Mr Richard will today hold a meeting with the top 500 global managers at France 's leading telecoms company about plans for a new five-year strategy that will address social as well as financial issues .

    理查德将于今日与该 公司500名 高层的全球经理召开会议,就制定一个新五年战略计划进行讨论。该战略将 着眼 处理财务以及社会问题。法国电信是法国最大的电信公司。

  • On top of that further involvement in the international affairs and improvement of global crisis management through the United Nations are also challenges that China will have to address he added .

    他补充说, 重要的是,中国通过联合国进一步参与国际事务和改善全球危机的管理,这些也是中国将要 处理好的一些关键性问题。

  • By using the top panel new address book instances can be created .

    使用 顶部的面板可以创建新的 地址簿实例。

  • The document states that since big US and UK banks do not currently hold sufficient debt and equity at the top of their group holding structures regulators will need to take steps to address that .

    这份文件中指出,鉴于目前大型英美银行在集团控股结构的 顶层不具备充足的债权和股权资本,监管机构将有必要采取措施 解决这个问题。

  • On the AIX partition an interface ( not shown in the figure above ) en0 can be created on top of the Virtual Ethernet adapter ent0 and a valid IP address can be assigned to it .

    在AIX分区上,可以在虚拟以太网适配器ent0上创建接口en0( 上图中没有显示),可以给它分配一个有效的IP 地址

  • It should read like a book : Title at the top name address email phone etc .) syllabus underneath ( accomplishments or skills ) chapters below ( Job history education etc .) .

    读起来像一本书:标题在最 上面(姓名, 地址,电子邮件,电话等),然后是大纲(成就或技能),下面是章节(工作历史,受教育经历等)。

  • Hong Kong 's top sports coaches have appealed for an increased commitment in tomorrow 's policy address to the training of elite athletes to prepare them for forthcoming major events .

    一些体育教练 精英要求政府增加对培训精英运动员的承诺,以 备战即将来临的主要比赛。

  • Pluggability : Web frameworks built on top of servlets are very popular for developers and there are a lot of them that address various different problems .

    可插入性:构建于servlet 之上的Web框架在开发人员中很受欢迎,其中很多人 提出了各种各样的问题。

  • The way to guarantee more minority students at the top universities in the future conservatives argue is to address the twin pillars of social disintegration : broken schools and broken families .

    而保证未来有更多的少数民族学生进入 顶尖学校的办法就是 解决好导致社会分裂的两个密切相关的问题:学校的分化和家庭的破裂。

  • An October 2010 press release from his Senate office titled Baucus Presses Top Chinese Officials to Address Trade Concerns Open Market to Montana Beef was likely not an issue of concern for Chinese officials .

    2012年10月鲍卡斯参议院办公室发布题为《鲍卡斯敦促中国 高官 处理贸易问题,开放市场接纳蒙大拿州牛肉》的新闻稿,这一事件并未引起中国官员的不安。

  • These ecological pressures increasingly pose a great threat to the stability of modern society thereby becoming a political problem of top priority for all governments to address in the 21st century .

    这些生态压力日益成为现代社会政治稳定的最大威胁,由此决定了生态问题将成为各国政府在21世纪首先要 解决 重要政治问题。

  • To implement any kind of meaningful reform to the shadow banking system Chinese leadership will first have to reach a consensus at the top overcome resistance from interest groups and devise complex plans to address the consequences of reform .

    对影子银行进行实质性改革前,中国领导人首先需要在最 高层达成共识,消除来自利益集团的阻力,并 针对改革产生的影响制定完善的应对计划。

  • Tens of thousands of farmers have been elbowed off their land in recent years to make way for the country 's manufacturing boom creating a dangerous well of resentment that China 's top leaders have pledged to address .

    近年来,数以万计的农民被赶出土地,为中国的制造业热潮让路,酿成了一个危险的不满情绪源泉。中国 最高领导层已承诺 解决这个问题。