tool post

[tul post][tu:l pəust]


  • Research some problems about the designing of high speed moving drive chain for driving the tool post of engine lathe

    普通车床 刀架快速移动传动链设计中几个问题的探讨

  • The mean time between failure ( MTBF ) is 449 hours and the mean time to repair ( MTTR ) is 22 . 1 hours . ln its subsystems the MTBF of tool post is smallest and that of electric system is biggest ;

    平均无故障时间MTBF为449h.平均修复时间MTTR为22.1h.各子系统中,方 刀架的可靠性最好,电器系统的可靠性最差;

  • Our team completes the system design and modular design of NDS-1.1 am responsible for the design and implementation of visualized program tool post process tool and database structure and partial implementation of the network model generator .

    作者完成了 NDS-1中可视化 编程器设计和实现、网络模型自动生成器部分实现、统计与分析工具设计和实现、数据库结构设计和实现等工作。

  • NC code of cutter swing 5 - DOF machine tool was created by using IMS ( intelligent manufacturing software ) - Post software .

    然后直接利用智能制造后置处理软件进行 后置处理得到刀具双摆动5轴数控 机床的数控程序;

  • A plan about reconstructing of tool post was proposed and motorized-spindle of corresponding grinding equipment was designed grinding quality control of ball-pocket is analyzed .

    提出了 刀架改造方案,并设计相应的磨削装置电主轴,对球窝磨削质量的控制进行了分析。

  • The table moves rapidly in both horizontal and vertical direction the tool post is with auto tool lifter the handles collect so the machine is with easy operation & advanced automation .

    机床 工作台能实现快速水平和垂直移动,架具有自动 机构, 机床手柄集中,操作方便,自动化程度高。

  • According to Abraham while the model provides a reliable tool for clinicians it reports in-hospital mortality only and was not validated for post discharge outcomes .

    据石礼谦,而模型提供了可靠的 工具,为临床,它报告在医院的死亡率只,并没有验证 放电的结果。

  • The solution is practically proofed . The structure of hydraulic automatic indexing tool post is more reasonable and the reliability is practically ensured .

    使液压自动转位 台的结构 更趋合理,可靠性切实得到保证。

  • Though the Pro / E the case design tool path editing and post process of tool path were realized . Finally NC programe was produced .

    通过Pro/E软件,实现对传动箱体的产品造型设计、 刀具轨迹编辑、刀路 后置处理,最后生成NC程序。

  • E-mail ( E-MAIL BOX ) network the most important communication tool with storage and delivery of electronic information capabilities it is the electronic post office network to provide the network for network exchange electronic information space .

    电子邮箱(E-MAILBOX)网络中最重要的信息交流 工具,具有存储和收发电子信息的功能,它是通过网络电子 邮局为网络客户提供的网络交流电子信息空间。

  • How to Proceed Components Properly on the Numerical Control Lathe Without Four-way Tool Post ; The Elevator / Positioners support and position the Rigs vertically and horizontally .

    如何在无四方 刀架的数控车床上合理加工零件升降/定位机支撑并在垂直及水平方向上将气刀架定位。

  • A tool making background & post trade studies or equivalent demonstrated competency .

    具有 工具制造的背景,业务研究及同等能力。

  • Ultra-precision fly-cutting with single crystal diamond cutting tool is an emerging manufacturing technology for the fabrication of micro structure with nano-surface finish and sub-micron form accuracy without the need for any subsequent post polishing .

    采用单点金刚石 飞刀加工可以直接加工出具有纳米级的表面粗糙度和亚微米级形状精度的光学微结构元件而不需要 后续处理。

  • System Design of Segmented CNC Control Software In Tool Grinder and Post Processing

    工具磨床分段型CNC控制软件的总体设计与 后置处理

  • Motivation System is an important tool of human resource management in modern enterprises . The Hunan POST have known the notable effects on the competition ability of Marketing Motivation System but in practice they feel it is difficult to find a Motivation system for themselves .

    激励机制是现代企业人力资源管理的一种重要 工具 手段,湖南 邮政尽管已经认识到激励机制对营销体系的巨大作用,但又无法找到适合企业自身的营销激励机制。

  • Development of NC Postprocessor for Parallel Machine Tool Based on UG / Post

    基于 UG/Post的并联 机床数控后置处理器的开发

  • Comparison and Selection of Decoding System for Tool Post of NC Lathe

    数控车床 刀架译码系统的比较和选择

  • Optimization on Structure of Tool Post System of Lathe for Face Cutting on the Spot

    现场端面车床 刀架系统的结构优化研究

  • Study of Ultra - precision Micro - feeding Tool Post

    超精密微量进给 刀架的研制

  • Vertical drilling machine with cross table Improving Reliability of Hydraulic Automatic Indexing Tool Post of Single Column Vertical Boring Turning Mill

    十字工作台立式钻床提高单 柱立车液压自动转位 台的可靠性

  • The Microcomputer Control of Autogiration Tool Post

    自动转位 刀架的微机控制

  • A new micropositioning tool post system for lathe is introduced . The system is consisted of 2 - D microfeed ( X-Z ) table driven by PZT ( piezoelectric transducer ) and a fine tool adjusting device ( Y ) .

    给出了一种新颖的微量车床 刀架系统,该系统由PZT(piezolectrictransducer)驱动的X-Z二维微进给工作台和Y向的微调对刀装置组成。

  • As the science and technology developed rapidly DNA chips have become an important tool in the research of life science in the era of post genome project .

    科学技术不断迅猛发展,DNA芯片已成为生命科学 基因组时代研究的重要 工具

  • Is there a point and click software tool post reflow which is linked to CAD or program data to facilitate component identification for rework ?

    回流焊时有无同CAD或程式数据相联系的软件 工具来帮助实现元件的确认与返工?