tool set

[tul sɛt][tu:l set]


  • I have delivered a good number of service based systems ( systems using technologies older than the current SOA tool set ) and some SOA systems using the current SOA technology toolset .

    我已经交付了很多基于服务的老系统(这些系统所用的技术要比现在的SOA 工具 老),也有一些使用当前SOA技术的面向服务的系统。

  • The Data Tools Platform ( DTP ) project aims to create a common tool set for using a variety of relational data sources .

    DataToolsPlatform(DTP)项目旨在创建使用各种相关数据源的通用 工具

  • Are users familiar with the tool set ?

    用户熟悉 工具 吗?

  • If your team is new to the tool set invest in training and allocate time so that the team becomes productive with it .

    如果您的团队不熟悉这些 工具,请在培训方面 予以投资,并分配相应的时间,以便提高团队工作效率。

  • Here we will demonstrate how you can use the editing tools provided in the Rational Software Architect tool set .

    这里,我们将会向您演示怎样使用RationalSoftwareArchitect 工具 集中所提供的编辑工具。

  • The defragmenter is one component of this tool set that is particularly useful for partitions residing in heavily updated dbspaces .

    碎片整理程序是这一 工具 的组件之一,它特别适合于那些位于进行过大量更新的数据库空间中的分区。

  • If your local stores do not have a nice set of it you can have a look at Sand Bucket and Tool Set from Hearthsong .

    如果您当地的商店并没有一个很不错的设置,你可以有一个希尔森看看一桶沙子和 工具 的。

  • The Rational Software Architect tool set can be used in a similar way to further elaborate the transformation input schema and output actions .

    RationalSoftwareArchitect 工具 可以按照相似的方式使用,以进一步地精化转换输入模式与输出操作。

  • Take advantage of the integrated IBM Rational tool set .

    利用集成的IBMRational 工具的优势。

  • Everything the analyst documented must by re-entered into the technical tool set .

    分析人员记录的所有内容必须重新输入到技术 工具 集中

  • What capabilities does our current SOA tool set provide the enterprise ?

    目前的SOA 工具 能为企业提供些什么?

  • Sand bucket and tool set are the best beach toys especially for toddlers and young children .

    沙桶和 工具 是最好的沙滩玩具,特别是对幼儿和儿童。

  • That 's a big ongoing benefit of implementing a coherent repeatable software development process with an integrated tool set .

    那将是使用集成化 工具 实现一个一致的,可重复的软件开发过程的一个巨大的优势。

  • Dojo has several optional packages including an Ajax edition ; an I / O edition ; and a Kitchen Sink edition which includes the entire tool set .

    Dojo具有多个可选软件包,其中包括Ajax版本、I/O版本和“KitchenSink”版本(该版本包括整个 工具 集合)。

  • I / T uses a technical tool set to build the automated business process .

    IT使用技术 工具 来构建自动化业务流程。

  • The Go tool set has been expanded and improved .

    Go的 工具 组件已经被扩展和提高。

  • One feature that seems missing from the Web operating system collective tool set is the notion of a Web-based clipboard .

    Web操作系统 工具 集中似乎缺少了一个特性,即基于Web的剪贴板的概念。

  • It is unique in carrying capacity and a wide platform that can bring more workers and tool set .

    它绝无仅有的承载能力及宽大的平台,可以带 更多的工人及 工具

  • This reduces or eliminates the need for I / T to re-enter information into their technical tool set .

    这样可减少或消除IT人员重新将信息输入其技术 工具 所需的工作。

  • In general prototyping requires a flexible dynamic tool set that supports the creation of representative functionality in a short amount of time at a very small cost .

    通常,原型设计需要一个灵活的、动态的 工具 ,而该 工具集能够在很短时间内、以很低的费用来创建典型的功能。

  • In addition when organizations wanted to expand the scope of an unstructured application beyond a single department the application was difficult to scale given the tool set used to create it .

    此外,当组织想跨越各部分来扩展一个非结构性的应用范围时,使用被给定的 工具 创建出的应用是很难被度量的。

  • This helps educators have the option to use Visual Studio as a consistent tool set from course to course .

    这一点为教育工作者提供了一个选择,使他们能在不同的课程中使用VisualStudio作为其一致的 工具

  • We all know that most sand shovel toys available as part of a bucket and tool set is more like a sand scoop .

    我们都知道,大部分玩具铲砂可作为一部分水桶和 工具 更像是一个沙子铲。

  • Tool Set : Specifies the tool set associated with this style sheet .

    工具 :指定与此样式表关联的工具集。

  • The business execution stage ensures alignment of these goals and objectives by instrumenting them with a fully integrated and capable IT governance solution infrastructure tool set .

    业务执行阶段确保了和这些目的和目标的联合,用充分集成的且有能力的IT治理解决方案基础架构 工具 来结合它们。

  • It uses the apt-get tool set that is part of the Debian system .

    它使用作为Debian系统的一部分的apt-get 工具

  • Many businesses are focusing on capturing their business processes and are trying to understand what is the best tool set and methodology .

    目前很多企业都特别关注其业务流程的捕获,都在尝试了解最佳的 工具 和方法。

  • I always keep a tool set in case of emergency .

    我总是准备一个 工具箱备急用。

  • Tools : lists the available tools for the current tool set .

    工具:列出当前 工具 的可用工具。

  • PHP and SimpleXML : Read more about this tool set that converts XML to an object that can be processed with normal property selectors and array iterators .

    PHPandSimpleXML:更多地了解这个 工具 ,它用于将XML转换为一个可以用普通属性选择器和数组迭代器处理的对象。