tooth resorption

[tuθ riˈsɔrpʃən][tu:θ riˈsɔ:pʃən]


  • Insertion of dental implants can change the process of bone healing for tooth extraction wound thus can decrease the resorption of alveolar bone . 2 .

    结论:1、种植体的植入能改变 拔牙创骨愈合的进程,从而有效地延缓了牙槽嵴的 吸收

  • After removal of appliance force on the termination root resorption during orthodontic tooth movement have not completely stopped root resorption and root repair process co-exist after 7 days the repair process continued mainly . 4 .

    在拆除矫治器施力终止后, 正畸 牙根吸收并未停止,牙根 吸收与牙根修复过程并存,7天后主要是修复现象存在。

  • The prevalence rate and the tooth position of the resorption of alveolar bones were analysed .

    分别对牙槽骨水平 吸收的患病率、罹患的 位进行了统计分析。

  • Currently it is considered that a series of sterile inflammatory process triggered by the force of orthodontic tooth movements is one of the important reasons that cause root resorption .

    目前普遍认为,正畸 移动引发的无菌炎症过程是引起牙根 吸收的重要原因。

  • In ⅲ with tooth mobility degrees centigrade root ⅲ degrees above bifurcation lesions alveolar bone resorption 2 / 3 or more .

    松动度在Ⅲ度以上,根分叉病变Ⅲ度以上,牙槽骨 吸收2/3以上。

  • Results : Before treating there were no statistical differences between Titanium-alloy splint group and non-splint Co-Cr-alloy splint group in tooth mobility probing depth attachment loss and alveolar bone resorption ( p > 0.05 ) .

    结果:治疗前:钛金组与非夹板组、钴金组患 松动度、牙周袋深度、牙周附着丧失、牙槽骨 吸收量的比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);

  • Objective To investigate the difference between digital periapical film and conventional film in the evaluation of tooth length and root resorption .

    目的探讨数字化根尖片和普通根尖片在评价 牙齿长度和牙根 吸收方面的差异。

  • Successfully established the early root repair after root resorption induced tooth resorption model . 2 .

    结果1.成功建立了正畸 牙根吸收修复早期 动物模型。

  • Establishment of the animal model of tooth root resorption under continuous heavy intrusive force

    持续性压低重力致 牙根 吸收动物模型的建立

  • Study on Establishment Animal Model of Root Resorption during Tooth Movement and the Self-repair Characteristics after Resorption

    正畸 牙齿移动过程中牙根 吸收动物模型的建立及其自行修复性的研究

  • The permanent tooth germ plays an important role in physiological root resorption of deciduous tooth but not the alone factor .

    恒牙胚是引起乳牙生理性根 吸收的重要因素,但却非唯一的因素。

  • The histological change of periodontal tissues accorded with the regular reaction during orthodontic tooth movement which showed an active status of bone resorption and formation in the periodontal tissues .

    牙周组织的组织学改变符合正畸 移动中牙周组织的正常反应,牙周组织处于一种活跃的骨形成和 吸收的状态。

  • Conclusions : MMP-3 and TIMP-1 participate in orthodontic periodontal tissue remodeling during tooth movement . MMP-3 may play an important role in osteoclastic bone resorption .

    结论:MMP-3及TIMP-1参与了 正畸牙周组织改建过程,MMP-3在破骨细胞性骨 吸收中起着重要作用。

  • Group ORX : junctional epithelium is located in cementum enamel boundary with the tooth body union close infiltrates not inflammatory the osteoclast occasionally can be seen in the alveolar crest edge but alveolar has no obvious resorption .

    去睾丸组:结合上皮附着与釉牙骨质界处,与 体结合紧密、无炎性浸润,牙槽嵴边缘偶见破骨细胞但牙槽骨无明显 吸收

  • The results showed that incidence of caries in wisdom tooth was 10 . 2 % . distal caries in second molar was 34.1 % alveolar bone resorption of second molar 38 . 9 % . ( 2 ) The rate was different in 4 impact types .

    结果表明:阻生 智齿龋发生率为10.2%,第二磨牙远中邻面龋34.1%,第二磨牙远中牙槽骨 吸收3.7%,智齿根端病变3.2%,第二磨牙 牙根 吸收4.0%。

  • Periodontitis is a chronic infective disease and leads to tooth losing eventually by causing the destruction of the connective tissue matrix and the resorption of alveolar bone .

    牙周炎是一种慢性感染性疾病,可破坏结缔组织基质和细胞,导致牙槽骨 吸收,最终导致 牙齿缺失。