


  • A vehicle queue model at road tollgate is established in this paper according to the road toll pattern in China .

    首先根据中国道路收费制式,建立了道路 收费 排队模型,提出了收费 车辆排队的 延误 计算方法 以及收费 过程对道路行程时间影响的分析方法;

  • Expressway Tollgate Capacity Study

    高速公路 收费 通行能力研究

  • Go to the tollgate and see !

    收费 自己看看吧!

  • It ripped through a tollgate about 20 meters away from the explosion site and shattered all the windows of buildings located within a radius of 3 kilometers .

    爆炸摧毁了20米 开外 收费 关卡,同时将 周围3公里的建筑玻璃全部震碎。

  • Finally the regular pattern of each major components ( delay at tollgate trip time on road and trip time converted from toll fee ) varying with length of toll road is discussed with an example .

    最后,通过一示例,讨论了在收费道路交通 阻抗中,各主要组成部分( 收费口延误、道路行驶时间及通行费换算时间)随收费道路长度的变化规律。

  • There 's a curse on our tollgate .

    我们 收费 有个诅咒。

  • In the highway tollgate system the life of the reader has direct impact on IC card popularization .

    在公路 收费系统中,卡座的寿命直接影响了IC卡的普及使用。

  • Tollgate capacity analysis is very important in expressway design phase .

    收费 通行能力分析是公路建设中设计 收费 时的一项重要工作。

  • Who 's at the tollgate today ?

    今天谁在 收费

  • Why does it have to be a tollgate employee ?

    为什么会是 收费 员工呢?

  • Methods The form and kinematical mechanism of Lie-Chai highroad tollgate landslide is studied based on data of field investigation and soil mechanic test . The influence of groundwater in form of loess landslide is analyzed .

    方法通过现场 勘察及室内试验,对黄土滑坡的形成机理及运动学机理进行了深入地研究,分析了地下水对黄土滑坡形成的影响。

  • There was that murder at the Dongseong tollgate .

    东森 收费 发生了谋杀。

  • Ji-yeon a tollgate ticket girl is frightened by a mysterious black car which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight .

    智妍是高速公路收费站的 收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。

  • Responsible to follow company design control practices using the Tollgate process .

    负责运用 TG程序于公司的设计控制上。

  • The method of calculating delay of queuing vehicles at road tollgate analyzing effect of toll to trip time on road converting toll fee to trip time are presented .

    还通过对 收费道路通行费率分析,阐述了通行费的转换时间分析方法。

  • Tollgate Start-up Operation Mode for Axial Primary Fan

    轴流一次风机 关门启动运行方式

  • On Structure Design of Tollgate at Road 2nd in Qinzhou Bonded Area

    广西钦州保税港区二号路 卡口结构设计

  • The Design and Implement of the Ship Tollgate System

    小型 船闸 收费系统的设计与实现