toll bridge

[tol brɪdʒ][təul bridʒ]


  • According to the toll standard on freeway and bridge in China a vehicle classification system based on fuzzy pattern recognition is put forward .

    根据目前中国路 车辆 收费标准,提出了一种基于模糊模式识别的车型分类系统。

  • The Presidio Parkway a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

    新普雷西迪奥风景公路(Presidio Parkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门 大桥(GoldenGate Bridge)的六车道 收费公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

  • It has been widely applied in such projects as toll way tunnel bridge government facility hospital school jail etc. It also provides a new approach for the construction and supply of low-rent housing .

    作为 公私合作进行基础设施建设的方法,PPP模式已经广泛应用于 收费 公路、隧道、 桥梁、政府办公设施、医院、学校、监狱等项目的建设中。

  • In the paper the basic features of the toll mode of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao cross-sea bridge are studied including the toll rules of the bridge toll method and the situation of the tolling square which will provide scientific methods for running and tolling after completion .

    本文着重研究了拟建的港珠澳跨海大桥收费模式的基本特征,包括 大桥 收费制式、收费方式和收费广场设置情况,为大桥建成后能够顺利运营收费提供了科学的方法。

  • Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) a superfamily of pattern-recognition receptors ( PRRs ) play a pivotal role in host innate immunity against pathogen infection and bridge the innate and adaptive immune .

    Toll 受体(Toll-Likereceptors,TLRs)是天然免疫中重要的模式识别受体超家族,在机体抗病原体感染中发挥重要的作用,同时也是 连接天然免疫与获得性免疫的 桥梁

  • A kind of no stop electronic toll collection systems ( NSETCS ) for roads and bridge is introduced .

    介绍一种用于公路、 桥梁不停车收费的完善的感应式IC卡电子自动 收费系统。

  • It turned out to be 10 miles away across the river in New Jersey not to mention the $ 5 toll on the Tappan Zee bridge .

    结果显示,充电站足有10英里远,还得跨过新泽西州的一条河,更别提还得付塔潘泽桥( TappanZee Bridge)的5美元 过桥

  • He comes to a toll bridge .

    他来到一座需要 收费 桥面

  • From the financial analysis aspect the dissertation presents financial performance Post-Evaluation method of toll bridge .

    从财务分析的角度,提出了 收费 桥梁的财务效益后评价方法。

  • We must pay a toll when we cross the bridge .

    过桥时我们必须付 通行

  • A gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid .

    位于 收费 或收费公路处的一种门,只有当人们交了费用后这个门才可以被吊起来准许人们通行。

  • As the cross-sea bridge of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao will connect three regions with different social systems it is important to determine the reasonable toll mode for the construction of the bridge .

    由于港珠澳跨海大桥联通三个不同体制的区域,故大桥的合理 收费 管理模式对 大桥的建设有较大影响。

  • Driers had to pay a toll to pass the bridge .

    司机过桥必须得交付 过桥

  • Construction crews stand ready on both sides ( Shown here is the toll plaza from the Oakland approach . ) The bridge was closed in record time .

    建筑工人站在双方(这里展示的是从 奥克兰方式 收费广场准备。)

  • This paper discusses some problems concerning the processing of roads and bridges toll data and gives a complete data flowing model that is used for a road and bridge toll data management information system .

    本文讨论了路桥 收费数据实时处理中遇到的几个问题.给出了一个较为完整的路 收费管理系统的数据流模型。

  • Toll-like receptor ( Toll-like receptors TLR ) which can recognize pathogens and activate the immune response is an important class of pattern recognition molecules involved in the innate immunity of the body is also connected to the innate and acquired immunity bridge .

    Toll 受体(Toll-Likereceptors,TLR)可以识别病原体并激活免疫反应,是参与机体先天免疫的一类重要模式识别分子,也是连接先天免疫和获得性免疫的 桥梁

  • Electronic Toll Collection technology ( ETC ) is one kind of new electronic automatic toll technology that on international is developing and is promoted popular diligently in the road the bridge and the tunnel at present .

    电子收费(ElectronicTollCollection,ETC)技术是目前国际上正在努力开发并推广普及的一种用于公路、 桥梁和隧道的新型电子自动 收费技术。

  • Design of Charge Network System for Fuyu Toll Bridge in Fuyang City

    阜阳 大桥 费网络系统设计