toll gate

[tol ɡet][təul ɡeit]


  • Methods In accordance with the methods of The Criterion of Labor Health Works the working environmental factors of a traffic toll gate with ten passages was monitored and analyzed .

    方法采用部颁《劳动卫生工作规范》中的方法对 收费 十条 车道 收费 的环境因素进行监测与分析。

  • Objective In order to explore the status of environmental contamination in traffic toll gate .

    目的探讨道路 收费 作业环境污染程度。

  • On the Freeway & Research on the Design and the Evaluation of the Freeway Toll - gate Area

    在路上&关于高速路 收费 站区设计与评价研究

  • For overcoming the disadvantages of some manual work on highway toll gate such as lower efficiency and much fallibility a control system which operates the vehicle detection bar management and follower 's collision prevention is presented .

    针对道路 收费 人工操作时效率低下和易出差错等诸多不足,提出了一种能实现车辆到离检测、道 栏杆控制和避免追尾碰撞的自动控制系统。

  • Removal of In-situ RC Arch at Toll Gate on Yan'an Rd ( W ) Shanghai

    上海延安西路 收费 现浇钢筋混凝土拱的拆除施工

  • It is much often like this before the Toll Gate .

    这个 收费 站前经常这样。

  • Discussion on Detailed Rules of Calculation and Adjusting Project for Weight-calculating Charge at Highway Toll - gate

    公路 收费站计重收费 费额计算细则及调整方案探讨

  • The Toll Management System of Toll Gate A Probe into the Management of Educational Fees Charging in Institutions of Higher Learning

    收费站的收费管理系统高校 收费管理探讨

  • After passing the toll gate I pulled Miss Daisy to the side of a tree which provided a bit of shade .

    通过 收费 关口后,我将小黄开到了一棵树下,总算有了一丝荫凉。

  • Application of automobile License Plate Recognition System to Highway Toll Gate

    汽车牌照自动识别系统在公路 收费 的应用

  • On Toll Gate Design for High-grade Highways in the province

    我省高等级公路 收费 栅门设计浅谈

  • The highway authority in Anhui province launched a campaign against counterfeit money pitting toll gate workers against each other in a contest to distinguish real notes from fakes .

    安徽省高速公路总公司进行了一次识别假币技能比赛, 收费 工作人员比赛谁能把假币从真钞中甄别出来。

  • ' Well if she doesn 't pay the toll your mistress 's niece can 't pass through the gate 'replied the gatekeeper .

    “好吧,如果你家主人的侄女不给过道 的话,她就别想从这过去”, 守门人回答道。

  • The greatest feature of the ETC system is that cars can pass through the toll gate with higher speed never need to stop for fee .

    其最大特点是车辆可以以较高的速度通过 收费 ,无须在收费站停车交费。

  • By looking into the case study of a Bridge toll gate being located in Quanzhou this paper studies the corrosion resistance of the steel structure in marine atmosphere .

    本文结合泉州市某大桥 收费 钢结构网架工程实例,探讨了近海大气中钢结构的耐腐蚀性能。

  • Environmental monitoring and hygienic evaluation of traffic toll gate

    道路 收费 作业环境因素监测与评价

  • The Presidio Parkway a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

    新普雷西迪奥风景公路(Presidio Parkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门大桥(Golden GateBridge)的六车道 收费公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

  • The Toll Management System of Toll Gate

    收费站的 收费管理系统

  • It is loaded onto a truck that travels along the toll roads enters the port gate operated by China Merchants and is hoisted by a gantry crane onto an international ship .

    然后装上一辆卡车,沿着 收费道路运行,进入中国招商国际操作的港口 大门,接着被门式起重机吊起装上国际远洋轮船。

  • Control system of vehicle detecting and bar managing for highway toll gate

    道路 收费 车辆检测与道 控制系统

  • We will discuss the techniques or integrating data management with process control in the application system of FujianBighway Toll Gate Network Management System in this paper .

    主要以福建省公路通行费 收费管理网络系统为应用背景,讨论在应用系统中数据管理与过程控制功能的集成技术的实现技术。