


  • Perhaps a topographical map is better for a particular display than the default map view .

    对于特殊的显示,使用 地形图或许要比使用默认地图的效果更好。

  • Constructing Three-Dimensional Topographical Map Based on Contours by Applying Neural Network

    应用神经网络实现基于等高线的三维 地形

  • Effect of the Topographical Condition on Distribution of Blasting Vibration Velocity


  • A drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod ; used to sight and map topographical details .

    一个制图板和在一个三角架上装好的直尺;用来观察和绘制 地图学上的细节。

  • Soil Erosion and Extraction of Its Influence Factors in Complex Topographical Region

    复杂 地形区土壤侵蚀及其影响因子提取

  • Numerical study of topographical impact on coastal climate

    地形对海岸带 气候影响的数值模拟

  • This is a first-level terrace see ? he said analyzing the topographical features for the girl .

    这是第一级台地。瞧见了吗,他给姑娘分析着 地貌

  • But also for its unique topographical features .

    而且 地质 地貌 非常独特。

  • Topographical detail visible in daylight is printed in subdued colours .

    白昼可见的 地形 起伏 采用色调柔和的颜色印刷。

  • An effective method based on HSV color model for extracting contour lines from color scanned topographical maps was proposed .

    提出了一种基于HSV色彩模型的 等高线提取方法。

  • What is the topographical feature in the area of guilin ?

    桂林的 地形是什么样的?

  • Chongqing light railway appearance brought the brand-new challenge for the city landscape design facing the special topographical condition .

    面对特殊的 地形条件,重庆轻轨的出现为城市景观设计带来了全新的挑战。

  • Technology of Quickly Updating the Urban Topographical Maps Based on RS Images

    基于卫星遥感影像的城市 地图快速更新技术

  • Analysis of the effect of topographical conditions on the artemisinin content in sweet wormwood herb in Guangxi China

    广西 地形对青蒿中青蒿素含量的影响

  • The remote sensing information model of geography is based on topographical model physical model and mathematical model .

    地理遥感信息模型是在 地形模型、理模型、学模型的基础上提出的一种新型模型。

  • Switzerland comprises three basic topographical areas : the Swiss Alps the Swiss plateau and the Jura mountain .

    瑞士的主要 地形有三种:瑞士阿尔卑斯山、瑞士高原和汝拉(jura)山。

  • Aspheric topographical features of the anterior surface of the human crystalline lens

    人正常晶状体前表面的非球面 地形特征

  • A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details .

    一种便携式观测仪器,主要包括安放在三脚架上的绘图板和一把直尺,用于观测和绘制 地形详图。

  • However due to a considerable variation in land area 1 population density and climatic geological and topographical conditions the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states .

    然而,由于各岛屿国家的陆地面积、1人口密度、气候、地理 地形条件等有很大差异,它们的森林覆盖程度也有很大差别。

  • Experts can combine pictures taken from airplanes and satellites with topographical data .

    专家们能把航空和卫星照片与 地形数据起来。

  • Contour lines extraction from color scanned military topographical maps

    彩色扫描军事 地形图等高线提取方法

  • The geoid is also used as a reference surface from which to map the topographical features on the planet .

    从图上 看来我们 的地球不仅不是个规则的球形,看起来还有点像个 坑坑洼洼 土豆

  • Sometimes it is difficult to apply the same standards due to topographical and economical reasons .

    有时,由于 地形和经济原因,很难采用相同的标准。

  • The discuss on the topographical environment characteristics of typical modern marine hydrothermal activity regions will be helpful to increase understanding of the modern hydrothermal activity the distribution rules of its mineral resources and the forming causes and mechanism etc.

    摘要对现代海底热液活动区 地形环境特征的分析有助于增进对现代热液活动及其矿产资源分布规律、热液活动成因机制等的了解。

  • Research for the Influences of DEM Resolution on Topographical Factors & A Case Study of Mengyin County


  • Topographical maps not only show planimetric position but also indicate relief by some method .


  • Kahn 's siting of the building reasserts the spatial and topographical order of the site .

    康为建物的选址再次主张了基地内空间及 地形的道。

  • And then the contour plot will be the topographical map for this graph .

    等高线就像是这幅图的 地形图。

  • Slope length is one of the important topographical factors that can determine the energy change along a slope and affect the overland runoff and sediment process .

    坡长是决定坡面能量沿程变化,影响坡面径流与水流产沙过程的重要 地貌因素之一。

  • Topographical variation analysis is an important method and approach in studying neotectonics and paleoearthquakes .

    地形 形态变异分析是新构造和古地震研究的一个重要方法和途径。