top firing

[tɑp ˈfaɪrɪŋ][tɔp ˈfaiəriŋ]


  • A rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns .

    围绕城堡 顶部建的防御工事,它上面均匀地分布有 枪眼或弓箭眼。

  • Temperature difference from top to bottom in preheating zone of tunnel kiln is the biggest obstacle for rapid firing energy saving .

    隧道窑预热带内 下温差过 是实现快速 、节能降耗的最大障碍。

  • Development and practice of 2nd generation top firing hot blast stove

    第二代 式热风炉的研制与实践

  • Development of Top - Firing Air and Gas Self - Preheating Hot Blast Stove
