top phase

[tɑp fez][tɔp feiz]


  • During the construction of TSQ ⅰ CFRD some problems including the separation of deck from the cushion on the top of phase ⅰ and phase ⅱ decks cracking of the slope face of cushion and partial deck occurred .

    在天生桥一级水电站混凝土面板堆石坝的施工中,发生了一、二 面板 顶部脱空、上游垫层坡面开裂和面板局部裂缝问题。

  • SURVEY TOP Differential phase

    微分 相位的测量

  • In this paper the wave theory is applied to study the propagation and reflection of the transient waves excited by hitting the top of piles to explain the constitution of the response on the top and to derive the expressions of the amplitude and phase spectrums .

    本文依据波动原理考查敲击桩头所生成的瞬态波在桩内的传播和反射,说明在桩 所记录的时域信号的构成,导出其振幅谱和 相位谱的表达式。

  • B A gas phase on top and two components A and B where compositions xA and xB are in the liquid phase .

    气体在 上部,以及两个组分A和,这里XA和 XB是他们的组分比。

  • It is very important to identify the engine dynamic top dead center phase in the combusting analysis of IC engine .

    在进行发动机燃烧分析时,正确确定发动机动态 止点 相位非常重要。

  • The growth curve showed proliferative phase 3 ~ 8th days top plate phase 9 ~ 10th days and attenuative phase after 10th days .

    细胞生长曲线,增殖期3~8天, 平顶 9~10天,衰亡期10天以后。

  • The top dead center ( TDC ) phase has a great effect on the result in the combustion analysis of internal combustion engines so it is very important to obtain the dynamic TDC phase correctly .

    在进行内燃机燃烧分析时,上 相位对分析结果影响很大,正确确定内燃机动态上止点相位显得非常重要。

  • The structure and properties of liquid crystal in the top phase of aqueous two-phase system have been studied by conductivity and volume ratio .

    本文利用电导法及冷冻蚀刻实验技术研究了正负离子表面活性双水相 相中的液晶结构状态及其相关性质。

  • Top three factors influencing novices ' attention all belong to Phase II in the process of consecutive interpreting . And they all relate to memory and notes .

    影响初学者注意的三个 主要因素均发生在交替口译的第二 阶段,并都与记忆和笔记相关。

  • The pressure on the top of the wellbore and that of the cavern increase linearly during injection phase and decrease linearly during production phase .

    金坛储气库设计溶腔算例结果表明,注、采气 过程 井口溶腔压力近似呈线性增加、减少;

  • The study using the cinematographic method analysed the movements of twelve Chinese top vaulters in the phase of force action . Major factors that affect the H_2 and H_3 were revealed .

    采用摄影测量的方法,对我国12 撑竿跳高优秀运动员在力量作用 时期技术动作的完成情况进行了分析,提出了影响H2和H3的一些技术要素。

  • The result indicate that the clone propagated by top graft have twice growing peak and once slow growth phase during current shoot period of growth .

    结果表明: 接繁殖的杂交梨 85-10-10营养系新梢有两次生长高峰和一次生长缓慢期。

  • Based on the characteristic of mine pressure in the Gudao face using full-mechanized top caving mining method during each phase efficient measure of pertinency is studied safety in production is realized after executing and it has application value .

    阐述“孤岛” 放工作面在开采各 时期的矿压显现特征,研究了具有针对性的有效防范措施,执行后可实现安全生产,取得了良好的社会经济效益,具有推广应用价值。

  • The gas flow field on the top of the discharged tube of cylindrical three phase cyclone with a vaned inlet and a direct current outlet which separates dusty droplet from the fume of boiler is measured with five hole probe .

    使用五孔球探针对一种用于分离锅炉净化烟气中含尘液滴的直筒型导叶直流式 三相旋流器排气管 上部的气相流场进行了实验测定。

  • In the feature extraction methods of computational preprocessing and rapid calculation are adopted . In the GMM model training and testing phase Top N fast algorithm is adopted .

    在特征提取时引入计算预处理、快速计算等,在GMM模型训练和测试 阶段采用 TopN快速算法。

  • Research on volatile organic matter of coal with top solid phase micro-extraction and color-quality combination

    顶空 固相微萃取与色质联用研究煤中挥发性有机物

  • The main corroded parts of sulfur-containing wastewater stripping unit in Luoyang Petrochemical Complex / SINOPEC are inlet top segregator and liquid phase of the first-segregator in side-off system .

    洛阳石化分公司含硫污水汽提装置腐蚀的主要部位是进料部位、 塔顶分凝系统、侧线抽出的分一液 系统等。

  • The most dangerous position of the storage is the top . ( 3 ) The steady volume convergence becomes steady and the damage creep volume convergence develops very fast after the salt rock around the storage enter the accelerative creep phase .

    腔周 盐岩进行加速蠕变 后,盐岩的腔体体积收敛变形主要表现为损伤蠕变体积收敛,稳态蠕变体积收敛趋于稳定;

  • The conductivities dynamic light scattering transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the microscopic structure of the ionic liquids-rich top phase and the possible mechanism for the selective separation .

    并利用电导、动态光散射、透射电子显微镜等手段探讨了富离子 液体 的微观结构和选择性分离的机制。