top limit

[tɑp ˈlɪmɪt][tɔp ˈlimit]

[经] 最高限额

  • These savings are on top of $ 917 billion in deficit reduction agreed in an August deal to raise the debt limit and Obama wants it to go further .

    此外,今年八月,美国两党达成削减 9170亿美元支出的协议,以提高债务 上限,奥巴马总统希望可以进一步增收。

  • All checkout pages will display at the top a time limit to complete the current step .

    从这一页面开始, 将看到完成每一步骤的时间 限制

  • Two and Three-dimensional Stability Analyses of Slopes with Local Load on Top Surface (ⅱ) & Using Upper-bound Method of Limit Analysis

    坡顶局部荷载下边坡的二维和三维稳定分析(Ⅱ)& 极限分析的上限法 山顶 燃着一堆堆篝火

  • The 000 Enzo can accelerate to60mph in less than four seconds before reaching a top speed of217mph-enough to test any cardiac pacemaker to the limit .

    恩佐售价66万美元,能在不到四秒的时间内加速至每小时60英里,随后达到217英里的 最高时速,足以考验任何心脏起搏器的 极限

  • The Controlling system includes the motor top and bottom limit fitting the electricity box for the tube etc.

    控制机构包括动力机构、 下限程装置、管路用电气箱等部分组成。

  • Proceeding from the relationship between the top beam length of hydraulic support and limit collapse gauge the length of immediate roof carried out an analysis of the top beam length pillar location of hydraulic support and roof applicability .

    从液压支架的 顶梁长度与直接顶的自承 极限垮距长度之间的关系出发,对液压支架的顶梁长度、支柱位置与顶板的适应性进行了分析。

  • During the early stages of study G on the top of the staff is the upper limit for successful circular breathing .

    在练习的开始阶段,五线谱 上方G是保证成功使用循环呼吸的 上限音。

  • The degree of reliability of the pillar and its top are analyzed in the paper by means of limit equilibrium . From it the compression resistant safety factor of point pillar has been confirmed as 2.33 and 14.25 for the level ore-pillar .

    采用 极限平衡法对矿柱及其 顶板的可靠度进行分析,得出点柱的抗压安全系数为2.33,水平矿柱的安全系数为14.25。

  • The applying actuality of pesticides in Wulian region was found out and the top allowable limit standard of pesticide residues including organic Cl organic P etc. and the heavy metal limit standard in Wulian low residual high quality tobacco leaves were examined and established .

    摸清了五莲烟田农药使用情况,研究制定了包括有机氯、有机磷等五莲低残留优质烟叶农药残留 最高允许 限量标准,制定了五莲低残留优质烟叶重金属限量标准。

  • National standards for electromagnetic radiation from home appliances has been set up in 1988 with a top limit of 12 volt / meter which is far less than a western standard said Chen .

    陈青松说:我国在1988年就制定了家用电器的电磁辐射标准,规定的 上限为12伏每米,远低于欧美等国家的标准。

  • Business principle : High Quality Reasonable Pricing Top Class Service Pace-setting Limit Breaking and Facing the Worle .

    本公司宗旨:高质的产品,合理的价格, 一流的服务,勇于率先,挑战 极限,面向世界。

  • Considering the system 's wide speed range and IPM 's switching frequency 's top limit the variable flux linkage locus structure control has been executed in the full speed adjusting range .

    考虑到系统调速范围宽和逆变器开关频率的 限制,在全频域采用分段变 磁链轨迹结构的控制方法。

  • If the top limit of M A price is higher or slight lower than the bottom limit of M A price M A price may form swiftly ;

    若上述并购价格 上限高于或略低于上述并购价格下限,并购价格可迅速形成;

  • The brand 's emphasis he said is on top private clubs bars and wine boutiques in the largest cities with limit the quantities sold .

    他说,这个品牌的重心是大城市的 高档私人会所、酒吧和葡萄酒专卖店,并且是 限量销售。

  • The stress and strain in the top and bottom surfaces of simple supported single layer beam increase with the increase of beam span under self-gravity effect . The span limit increases with the increase of the beam strength and thickness .

    试验结果表明:简支的单层岩梁在自重作用下 下表面的应力、应变随梁的跨度增加而增加;梁的 极限跨距随梁的强度及厚度增加而增加。

  • Through some necessary complementarity in task 2 the top limit of wind speeds for selecting a spoked wheel was gotten too .

    task2中通过必要的修正,得到了选择辐条轮瞬时的风速 上限

  • For example you can add a ROWNUM clause to limit the number of rows in Oracle or use the TOP clause for SQL Server .

    例如,在Oracle中可以添加ROWNUM子句以 限制行数,对于SQLServer使用 TOP子句。

  • Analysis result shows : the maximal pull stress where located at the middle of top dam is less than the resist pull stress limit of concrete .

    分析结果表明:最大拉应力出现在 坝顶中部,其 远小于混凝土的抗拉强度。