top secret


  • He managed to pass top secret documents to East Berlin for many years before he was unmasked in 1974 .

    在1974年被揭穿身份的数年里,他设法成功地把一些 绝密文件交给了东柏林。

  • Tell me do you still have top secret code word clearance ?

    告诉我,你还有 最高 机密的语言调查权么?

  • Welcome to The Top Secret File !

    欢迎追入“ 最高 机密”档案!

  • She 'll organize a top secret face-to-face when she gets time off from her tour .

    她会组织一个 顶级 秘密面对面时,她得到了她的巡回演出的时间。

  • It 's a top secret joint venture with the air force .

    这是和空军合作的 最高 机密计划。

  • These are top secret and full of highly classified information .

    这是 最高 机密,满是高度保密的信息。

  • What I am going to tell you is of course top secret .

    我要告诉你的将是一个 高度 秘密

  • Sadly this is top secret at Ubisoft until the game is officially announced .

    不好意思在育碧发布官方公告前,这是 顶级 机密

  • The iPhone was a top secret project .

    iPhone是一个 绝密的项目。

  • The president 's classified this information top secret .

    总统把这 列为 最高 机密

  • Delivering top secret messages from behind enemy lines .

    越过敌人的封锁线传送 机密情报。

  • She and General Petraeus both deny that he passed top secret information to her .

    但她和彼得雷乌斯将军都否认他曾向她传递过 机密情报。

  • E.g. : A : What he said revealed a top secret .

    他说的话透露了一个 高度 机密

  • These papers are top secret .

    这些文件是 绝密的。

  • Mr Levin was charged with failing to protect top secret documents .

    莱文先生被指控没有保护 绝密文件。

  • The transcripts of this tribunal are classified top secret .

    法庭判罚将被列为 最高 机密

  • The top secret documents had to do with the most advanced military equipment


  • Mind Control : America 's Secret War is the title of the History Channel 's excellent documentary exposing top secret government mind control programs .

    精神控制:美国的秘密战争,是标题上写的历史频道的优秀的纪录片,揭露了 高度 机密的政府精神控制项目。

  • I am concerned about who is leaking top secret information but I fear this Administration 's lack of constraint on it 's powers 1984 style .

    我很关心谁泄露了 顶级 机密消息但是我也担心这种缺乏限制的政府权力会走向“1984”化。

  • Play as Homer and go in pursuit of a top secret donut in the streets of Springfield .

    发挥荷马走在 顶级的斯普林菲尔德街头 秘密甜甜圈的追求。

  • We will now begin a top secret mission .

    我们即将开始一个 高度 机密的任务。

  • The two documents mentioned below are top secret .

    下文中提到的两份文件是 最高 机密

  • Even top secret spooks get paid .

    就是 高级 间谍也得领工资。

  • Mr Allen betrayed a top secret and had to face the music .

    艾伦先生泄露一项 最高 机密,因而必须接受责罚。

  • The top secret file was marked for the manager 's eyes only .


  • He had the right to read reports marked top secret .

    他有权阅读标有“ 绝密”的报告。

  • But maybe if you 're working on top secret CIA projects that could be one cause .

    但是,除非你要做的是 机密的CIA项目,那就会是一个例外。

  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information .

    要保护自己个人身份信息免遭盗用,就要把所有的个人与财务文档视为 绝密信息。

  • It 's top secret stuff so it doesn 't relate to you .

    那是 绝密的,和你没关系。