


  • Controlled Synthesis and Characterization of Fluff Sphere-like CoO Microcrystals ; Fruits ellipsoidal 1.2-1.8 cm long tomentose main ridge with corky wing .

    绒球状氧化钴微晶的控制合成及表征果椭圆状球形,长1.2-1.8厘米, 绒毛,主棱具木栓质翅。

  • A new germplasm resource material & the tomentose form of tomato acquired by means of selection

    番茄新种质材料& 茸毛番茄的获得

  • Fruits ellipsoidal 1.2-1.8 cm long tomentose main ridge with corky wing .

    果椭圆状球形,长1.2-1.8厘米, 绒毛,主棱具木栓质翅。

  • Regional approach for introduction of Tilia tomentose in northern China


  • Acrylic printed fleecy suit Inflorescence paniculate rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence .

    腈纶珠光网眼泡沫印花套装花序圆锥状;花序轴 灰黄色短绵 ;雌花著生于花序轴下部。

  • Small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America . Inflorescence paniculate rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence .

    北美西部的一种小形的早花毛茛,花黄色、有光泽。花序圆锥状;花序轴 灰黄色短绵 ;雌花著生于花序轴下部。

  • Grafting Triploid Populus tomentose Carr . with Different Rootstock Studies and Application on the Effective Components of Snowbell-leaf Tickclover and Rhubarb Root

    三倍体毛白杨不同砧木嫁接试验广 金钱草及土大黄有效成分研究与应用

  • Ching in size but differs by its lamina being tomentose on the lower surface and pubescent on the upper surface and having 9 – 16 pairs of lateral pinnae .

    Ching相似,但叶片的 背面 绒毛,表面 短柔毛,侧生羽片9–16对。

  • It indicated that coumarin and isoimperatorin were main coumarins in Tomentose Pummelo Peel .

    各样品中基本以香豆素和异欧前胡素这两种 香豆素含量为主。

  • Genus of tomentose tropical African herbs with milky sap .
