toilet water


  • Current Situation and Prospect of Ecological Toilet without Water in China

    我国免 生态 厕所的发展现状与展望

  • After photos of a Starbucks Only water spout in a bathroom emerged on the web many customers questioned whether Starbucks is using toilet water to brew its coffee .

    自从厕所中星巴克咖啡店专用水龙头的照片传到网上之后,许多顾客都在质问,他们是否在用 厕所 用水制作咖啡。

  • The migrants start off as tenants renting single rooms without toilet heating or running water from farmers and commuting into the city for work .

    一开始,农民工总是从当地农民那里租下没有 厕所、供暖甚至 自来水的单个房间居住,每天进城去工作。

  • Special toilet water an updated product Brings you an extremely new experience .

    特效 花露水,换代产品,全新感受。

  • Hush ! Remember not to tell people I used six God toilet water .

    嘘!记得不要告诉别人我用过六神 花露水

  • Will you consider good methods to save water even you are rich in daily life ( like wash toilet by the water after washing face or dishes )?

    在日常生活中,你条件很富裕会考虑使用节约用水的好方法吗(如用洗脸水、洗碗 厕所)?

  • A fragrant preparation made by steeping or distilling rose petals in water used in cosmetics as toilet water and in cookery .

    玫瑰水,蔷薇水:一种通过蒸馏玫瑰花瓣或把其浸泡在水中制成的芳香剂,用来做 花露水等化妆品并用于烹饪。

  • The toilet flushing device without water having the excrement disc device avoids the grinding and centrifugal devices in prior art and avoids the dirty grinding and centrifugal process .

    具有这种用于大小便的便盘装置的 厕所冲洗装置,取消了现有技术的粉碎和离心装置,避免了肮脏的粉碎和离心过程;

  • Ice cubes used by fast-food giants KFC McDonald 's and Guangzhou-based Kungfu at branches in Beijing contained bacteria far in excess of the national limit according to China Central Television . Some were even dirtier than toilet bowl water CCTV said .

    中国中央电视台报道,快餐巨头肯德基、麦当劳和总部设于广州的真功夫北京分店出售冰块里的细菌含量远远超过国家标准,甚至有些比 马桶 还要脏。

  • The utility model relates to the improved water conservation technology of a toilet pan water tank discharging valve rubber seal .


  • Kathleen : Why do cats always drink toilet water ? I have prepared water for you !

    小智:为什么猫总爱喝 马桶 ?我已经给你准备了喝的水!

  • Then again I spilled some toilet water basin steaming hot water to wash feet with a light faint scent waft .

    紧接着,我又往盆中洒了些 花露水,热气腾腾的洗脚水中飘散着一股淡淡的清香。

  • With the research and development of vacuum toilet we discover the main motive part of vacuum toilet & water ring type vacuum pump has many insufficient need to invent a kind of new pump to solve the problem that face now urgently .

    随着真空厕所研发工作的深入,我们逐渐发现真空 厕所的主要动力部件& 环式真空泵有许多不足,迫切需要开发一种新泵来解决现在所面临的问题。

  • Today I finally mind to buy a bottle of toilet water to use with six God God can use the six toilet water has always been my dream .

    今天我终于狠下心买了一瓶 六神 花露水用用,能用上六神花露水一直是我的梦想。

  • Put the container in your toilet 's water tank .

    把水桶放进 马桶 水箱

  • A traditional water tank of a toilet can only store water for flushing and people have to use another hand washing sink for washing hands after using the toilet .

    传统型的 便 水箱仅仅起到了 蓄水便的作用,人们在方便之后还得用另外的洗手池来清洗双手。

  • We can use sanitary wastewater such as stored bath water or laundry water and the like to flush the toilet and if the water is not enough we can use tap water .

    当我们冲洗 马桶时,就可以用储存的洗澡水、洗衣水等生活废水冲洗,如果 不够,再用自来水。

  • If yours does you can reduce the water it uses by filling a milk jug with stones and placing it in your toilet tank to displace water .

    如果你的房子里用的也是这种马桶,你可以在牛奶壶里放点石头,然后把壶放在 马桶 水箱里,这样可以减少 马桶的用水。

  • Don 't use the toilet the water still doesn 't work .

    别用 厕所,因为还是没有

  • Combining construction experience for many years authors analyses why toilet seeps water and brings forward prevention measures .

    作者结合多年施工经验,对 卫生间 渗漏产生的原因进行了分析,并提出几点相应的预防措施。

  • The virtual time of toilet water with 2.3 % insectifuge ester is more than 4 hours .

    用驱蚊酯配成含2.3%驱蚊酯的 花露水,并测试了其驱蚊效果,有效驱蚊时间可达5小时以上。

  • Step 2 : Put the container in your toilet 's water tank . You 'll use less water in your tank and save water with every flush !

    把水桶放进 马桶 水箱。这样,水箱中所需的水就少了,并且以后每次冲马桶的时候都会省水。

  • Causes of and Solutions to Toilet Bubbles in the Water Supply and Drainage System of Old Residential Houses

    旧住宅的给 排水改造中 便 泡的成因及处理办法

  • We can water flowers or clear the toilet with the wash-face water .

    我们可以用洗过脸的水用来 浇花或者冲 厕所

  • He tried to ruin the country bypouring toilet water on crops .

    他想用从 厕所里弄出来的谁 浇灌作物来毁灭这个世界。

  • The water in the toilet is running over and water is leaking from the shower nozzle .

    水箱 溢出来了,淋浴的喷头也在漏水。

  • The utility model relates to a toilet with less water consumption .

    一种用 水量少的 便

  • Study on the treatment of small residential communities and public toilet wastewater with middle water reusing technology

    住宅小区与 公厕污水处理 中水回用技术的研究

  • For this reason many modern lavatories are now no longer of the chemical toilet blue water recirculated electric flush variety .

    出于这个原因,许多现代厕所现在不再用“化学 厕所再循环电动冲水”的各种。

  • Separate kitchen and toilet water and electricity with a range hood there is broadband .

    单独 厨卫 水电,带抽油烟机,有宽带。