token ring

[ˈtokən rɪŋ][ˈtəukən riŋ]


  • The Design and Application of Token Ring Bus in General Purpose Test Stand

    自适应 总线在通用测试台中的设计与应用

  • Implementation of Token Ring Access Control and Its Queue Model

    令牌 介质存取控制的实现及其排队模型

  • The control system research based on serial communication of token ring network

    基于 令牌 网串行通讯的控制系统研究

  • Communication interfaces : Token ring or Ethernet adapters

    通信接口: 令牌 或以太网适配器

  • In token ring there 's one token that gets passed from one machine to the next .

    令牌 中,有一令牌从一台机器传送到另一台机器。

  • As Token ring has dual rings it displays better fault-tolerant capacity than that of Bus architecture .

    环形 具有独特的 双环设计比总线结构有更好的容错性;

  • The main component on a token ring topology to which other computers are connected .

    令牌 拓扑上的主要组件,其他计算机都要连接到该组件上。

  • This paper analyses the development destination of the token ring network environment based on RS-232 asynchronous communication adapter discusses the design and implementation of its four layers protocols and introduces the implementation process of sharing printing of the application layer as an example .

    本文分析了以RS-232异步通讯卡为基础的 令牌 网的网络环境开发目标,对其四层协议的设计与实现进行了讨论,并以应用层的共享打印为例介绍了实现过程。

  • A packet sniffer for a token ring network could detect that the token has been lost or the presence of too many tokens ( verifying the protocol ) .

    一网络分析的 令牌 网络可以检测到令牌已遗失或存在太多的凭证(核查协议)。

  • Don 't confuse FDDI 's ring structure with Token Ring .

    请不要把FDDI的环形结构与 令牌 混淆起来。

  • Token ring is an access method extensively used in LAN ( Local Area Network ) .

    标记 传递法是在LAN(计算机局部网络)中广泛应用的一种存取控制方式。

  • Token ring is a token that is a symbol indicating that the holder has a certain right .

    令牌 是表示持有者具有某种权利的标志。

  • These results can be applied to system design analysis and optimizing configuration of Token Ring 's LAN .

    这些结果可用于 令牌 局域网的系统设计、性能分析和优化组构中。

  • You can connect an Ethernet hub into a switch port and then connect multiple Ethernet hosts into the hub but you can 't mix Token Ring hosts in with the Ethernet gang on the same segment .

    这段话好像是说不能在同一个借口上连接不同的网络类型,那交换机能不能在一个接口连接以太网,在另外一个接口连接 令牌

  • This paper analyses several representative MAC protocol for Ad Hoc network and focuses on wireless token ring protocol .

    本文分析了adhoc网络几种代表性MAC层协议,重点研究了无线 令牌 协议。

  • The Timed Token Ring offers several advantages including increased flexibility reliability and efficiency as well as future expansion capability . Implementation of Token Ring architecture and protocol is given .

    定时 Token Ring提供一些优点:包括增加了灵活性,可靠性和效率,以及将来的扩展性,给出了TokenRing结构和协议的实现。

  • The solution should be network agnostic & that is indifferent to the type of network ( Ethernet token ring ) on which it is run .

    此解决方案应该是网络独立的&即,独立于它在其上运行的网络类型(以太网、 令牌 )。

  • The Priority Access Control In Token Bus And Token Ring

    令牌总线和 令牌 中的优先访问技术

  • Examples of deterministic protocols include Token Ring and FDDI .

    确定协定的例子包括 记号 和FDDI。

  • This paper analyzed and figured out the error existed in mathematic modeling for dual token ring LAN based on integrated service and corrected expressions deduced from mathematic modeling by using a corrected expression .

    对综合业务双 令牌 双环LAN的数学建模型存在的解析误差进行了全面的分析和求解,并利用求解的误差项对原数学模型所得的公式进行了修正。

  • Fragmentation often occurs in environments that have a mix of media such as Ethernet and Token Ring .

    分块常常发生在传输媒介混合在一起的环境中,比如兼有以太网和 令牌 网的网络。

  • Unlike older ring-based data networks such as token ring or FDDI RPR uses a spatial reuse mechanism .

    它与较老的基于环的数据网(如 令牌 或FDDI)不一样,RPR使用了空间复用机制。

  • In a Token Ring network architecture if a node receives a token and has data to transmit .

    令牌 网结构中,如果一个节点收到一个令牌,并且有数据要传输,则。

  • It discussed theoretically about the token ring 、 ethernet and FDDI which is normally used in DCS communication network and analyzed its merit and defects in regard of industrial control requirement .

    主要针对在DCS通讯网络中常见的 令牌 、以太网和FDDI网从理论上进行了一些讨论,并结合工业控制的要求分析了各自的优缺点。

  • Delay and Throughput Analysis for Local Area Network ( LAN ) of Token Ring

    令牌 局域网时延和通过量的性能分析

  • On the basis of the expressions and IBM TOKEN RING 'S reference data numerical example graphs of the symmetry ring 's delay and throughput are drawn and the method of selecting network parameters is introduced .

    依据这些表达式和IBM TOKEN RING的参考数据,绘制了对称环时延和通过量的数值例图,并简介了选择网络参数的方法。

  • The new results are as follows : discussed some key technologies of EPON and proposed a scheme of access system similar to token ring for distributed EPON .

    完成了以下一些工作:讨论了EPON系统的一些关键技术,提出了一种类似 令牌 的分布式方案;

  • Network design of monitoring system based on token ring network ( TRN ) protocol

    基于 令牌 网协议的监控系统网络设计