tissue slice

[ˈtɪʃu slaɪs][ˈtisju: slais]


  • In this paper the detailed procedures for slice culture technique of brain tissue were introduced including the equipments required reagents preparation of brain tissue slice and incubation .

    本文对脑组织切片培养技术进行了详细的介绍,包括仪器设备、培养液的配制、脑 组织 切片制备及培养过程等。

  • The tissue slice of sheep kidney in conjugation with ammonia gas sensing probes yields a sheep kidney tissue based membrane electrode with a high selectivity for D-amino acids .

    羊肾 切片组织配合氨气敏电极可制成对D-氨基酸具有高选择性的羊肾组织膜电极。

  • The ultrastructure of fat body tissue of Helicoverpa armigera H ü bner was observed under the electron microscope by means of ultra-thin tissue slice technology .

    采用 组织超薄 切片技术,电镜下观察研究昆虫棉铃虫HelicoverpaarmigeraHǖbner脂肪体细胞的超微结构,结果表明。

  • There are many kinds of medical micrographs such as cell smear tissue slice and so on need to be observed and analyzed .

    医学上用于观察和分析的显微图像种类很多,包括各种细胞涂片、 组织 切片等。

  • 3D image reconstruction of plant tissue slice and its application in the plant body cell 's embryogeny research

    生物 组织 切片图像的计算机三维重建技术现状及其在植物体细胞胚发生中的应用

  • Results : More clear tissue slice photo was obtained .

    结果:提高 组织 区域 背景的反差 ,得到清晰、 逼真 生物 组织 切片 图象

  • Methods The silver colloid technique improved by LI Qing were used in the tissue slice staining to examine the AgNOR count and AgNOR count was based on the Shanghai Proposal ( 1993 ) .

    方法:采用李青AgNOR改良法对 组织 切片进行染色,按照上海方案(1993)进行分型计数。

  • The application of different hematoxylin-eosin solution in tissue paraffin slice

    不同苏木精&伊红染色液在 组织石蜡 切片中的应用

  • Methods The natural distribution aquatic environment investigation 、 the biology parameter measurement 、 the gonad tissue slice observation and the artificial multiplication experiment were carried out .

    方法进行裸项栉虎鱼天然分布水域环境调查、生物学参数测定、性腺 组织 切片观察及室内人工繁养殖试验。

  • The brain tissue slice culture technique and its application

    组织 切片培养技术及其应用

  • The model can be observed from different direction . ( 5 ) A geometry model constructing method based on eye tissue slice image was brought forward .

    提出一种基于 组织 切片图像的眼部组织有限元几何模型构建方法。

  • Diagnosis Value of Medulla Vivisect Assay Tissue Printing Slice

    骨髓活检 组织的诊断价值

  • Results The morphous of cells and the expression of BAG-1 in tissue microarray was very accordant to that in normal tissue slice ( K > 0.75 ) .

    结果组织芯片上细胞形态和BAG-1蛋白表达情况与相应的常规 切片上的情况表现出高度一致性( K>0.75)。

  • After blood collection executed rats cut off the cranial parietal removed liver and kidney and made the tissue slice . Observed inflammation of implant area of skull defects organization generally .

    采血完毕后处死动物,切取植入区的颅顶骨,取出肝、肾,制作 组织 切片

  • Three dimensional reconstruction of biological tissue slice image plays an important role in studying the organ and tissue structure .

    生物 组织 切片图像的三维重建是获得组织器官三维立体结构的重要方法,对研究组织的发育有重要意义。

  • The tissue slice of optic nerve at the 7th day after injury : the damaged area of the optic nerves for Group A B C was about 30 % 50 % 70 % respectively .

    伤后7天视神经 组织 切片:A、B、C组视神经受损面积分别为约30%、50%和70%。

  • The Observation of Brain Tissue Slice through the Cardio-perfusion in Heart-beating Rat

    在体心脏灌流术在大鼠脑 组织 切片观察中的应用

  • Methods : Using the software to increase the resolution of the tissue slice photo .

    方法:在 生物 组织 切片 图象中由该电脑软件分离 背景 并使之 纯化白色,同时提高 组织 结构 颜色 以增加反差。

  • Methods 30 healthy SD rats were divided into 3 groups : young group adult group and aged group 10 rats each group . The pancreas heads body and tail of each rat were removed to make tissue slice for observation with light microscope .

    方法取30只健康SD大鼠,分3组,幼年、青年、老年各10只,每只取胰头、体、尾做 组织 切片光镜观察。

  • The specific activity of digestive enzyme in one-year - old fingerling is higher than that of three-week-old fingerling in both species of fish this result accords with the observation of tissue slice .

    两种鱼肝胰脏消化酶活性均为一龄鱼种大于夏花阶段,这与 组织 切片的观察结果相符。

  • Fresh right lower limb sample : making tissue into slice samples after washing and fixation injecting 8 % gelatin ink into artery by cannulas until the superficial skin turn black equally and injection solution overflow from the vein .

    右下肢新鲜标本,制备 组织 切片。将标本冲洗、固定后,于动脉插管内灌注8%明胶墨汁,至浅表皮肤均匀变黑并可见静脉内有灌注液溢出即行停止。

  • Methods When the internal fixations of 26 cases of fracture union disorder were extracted little bone tissue was taken out to be tissue slice at the site of fracture .

    方法26例骨折愈合障碍取内固定时,在骨折端凿少许骨质做 组织 切片,用带锁髓内钉固定,骨折端周围植入异种BMG。

  • SP immunohistochemistry staining was performed on tissue slice of the corpus callosum .

    SP免疫 组织化学染色。

  • Methods : Injected to low dose streptozotocin to the rat which were fed with high-energy animal feeds and then prepare the model of diabetic rat . Dyed the tissue slice by HE and researched the thickness of lingual mucous membrane .

    方法:采用高能量饲料喂养后,腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(STZ)制备糖尿病大鼠模型。对大鼠舌 切片,HE染色,观测舌黏膜厚度。

  • A comparison of the therapeutic results between the two groups by observing burn wounds respiration heart rate blood pressure electrocardiogram blood viscosity and tissue pathological slice .

    通过创面、呼吸、心率、血压、心电图、血粘度、 组织病理 切片观测,统计学分析,证实MEBT抗休克疗效优于干性暴露疗法。

  • The effect of recombinant human KGF-2 mutant can be analyzed through the survival rate living status and pathological tissue slice of small intestine .

    从存活率、生存状态和小肠 组织病理 切片等方面分析重组人KGF-2突变体的防治效果。

  • Methods The retinal tissue from 16 retinoblastoma and 5 normal cases was made into tissue microarray the morphous of cells and the expression of BAG-1 in them was compared with that in normal tissue slice .

    方法本研究将16例视网膜母细胞瘤组织和5例正常视网膜组织做成组织芯片,并对组织芯片上细胞形态和BAG-1蛋白表达情况与常规 组织 切片作比较。

  • Expression of Hiwi gene in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder tissue slice

    Hiwi基因在膀胱移行细胞癌 组织 切片中的表达