


  • Synthesis and Properties of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films on Copper Foils


  • Effect of Mg on microstructure and dielectric properties of barium titanate

    Mg掺杂对 钛酸陶瓷微结构和介电性能的影响

  • The results were compared with titanium dioxide that served as a starting material for calcium titanate preparation .

    我们还将结果与用于制备 钛酸钙的原始料-二氧化钛进行了比较。

  • The synthesised calcium titanate was used to prepare epoxy coatings with varying contents of the anticorrosion pigment .

    合成的 钛酸钙与不同含量的防腐颜料用于制备环氧树脂涂料。

  • Preparation Structure and Properties of Strontium Barium Niobate / Barium Strontium Titanate Multi-phased Ceramics

    铌酸锶钡/ 钛酸锶钡复相陶瓷制备、结构和性能研究

  • Common ceramic elements are barium titanate and lead zirconate-titanate .

    普通的陶瓷元件分别是 钛酸钡和锆钛酸铅。

  • The effect of silane and titanate coupling agents on the interface bonding state and the mechanical properties of GRPFN ( Glass Fiber Reinforced PF Nylon ) has been studied .

    研究了几种硅烷偶联剂、酞酸酯 偶联剂对玻纤增强PF尼龙界面粘结状态和力学性能的影响。

  • Attapulgite was modified by titanate coupling agent NDZ311 in isopropyl alcohol by means of ultrasonic dispersion .

    采用异丙醇溶解的 钛酸酯偶联剂NDZ-311对凹凸棒石粘土进行超声湿法表面改性。

  • The Investigation on the Structural Stability and Optical Properties of Titanate Nanotubes

    钛酸 纳米管的结构稳定性和光学特性研究

  • Development on the Synthesis of Lead Zirconate Titanate ( PZT ) Powder


  • Aluminium titanate is considered as a uniquely new material with both low expansion and high melting point .


  • Preparation and characterization of barium strontium titanate nanoparticles by low temperature calcination method


  • The modification methods of titanate nanotubes are adopted to broaden the photoabsorption region and improve photo-quantum efficiency .

    为了拓宽可见光吸收范围和提高量子 产率,需要对其进行改性。

  • It was identified that calcium titanate of perovskite structure is a highly efficient anticorrosion pigment for paints .

    结果发现具钙钛矿结构的 钛酸钙是一种适用于油漆的高效防腐颜料。

  • Development of modification of lanthanide ions on barium titanate ceramic structure in the dielectric field ;


  • Design / methodology / approach - Calcium titanate was synthesised from titanium dioxide and calcium carbonate at hight temperature .

    设计/工艺/步骤- 钛酸钙由二氧化钛和碳酸钙在高温下合成。

  • Titanate nanotubes were prepared by hydrothermal method and the products were characterized with TEM XRD and XPS .

    采用水热法制备了 钛酸 纳米管,并用TEM、XRD、XPS对其进行了表征。

  • Fabrication and Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate / Polyvinylidene Fluoride Multi-Layered Composites


  • Dielectric properties of sol-gel derived magnesium doped barium titanate ceramics

    镁掺杂 钛酸钡陶瓷的溶胶-凝胶法制备及性能研究

  • Study on the Effect of Molding Pressure on Texturing of Bismuth Titanate Ceramic

    成型压力对 钛酸铋陶瓷织构化影响的研究

  • Comparison of Effect of Two Titanium Sources on the Spinnability of Aluminum Titanate Sols

    两种钛源对 钛酸铝溶胶可纺性影响的对比研究

  • The main preparation of nm-sized barium titanate and advance progress were introduced in the paper .

    本文介绍了 钛酸钡粉体主要制备技术及最新进展。

  • Barium titanate is a typical ferroelectric substance .


  • Lanthanum-substituted bismuth titanate ( BLT ) thin films were deposited on fused silica substrates by chemical solution deposition method .

    采用化学溶液沉积法和快速退火工艺在石英玻璃衬底上成功地制备了掺镧 钛酸铋(BLT)铁电薄膜。

  • The cold-pressing ceramic processing technique was used to prepare high-permittivity Barium Titanate ceramics .

    采用冷压陶瓷处理技术制备了高介电率钛酸 陶瓷材料。

  • Technical Study on the Preparation of Aluminum Titanate Film by Sol-Gel Method

    溶胶&凝胶法制备 钛酸铝薄膜的工艺研究

  • Research on Cerium Oxide and Magnesium Oxide Composite Modified Aluminum Titanate Composite Ceramics

    氧化铈和氧化镁复合改性 钛酸铝复相陶瓷性能的研究

  • Comparative Research on the Synthesis of Aluminum Titanate Powders by Nonhydrolytic and Hydrolytic Sol-Gel Method

    非水解和水解溶胶-凝胶法合成 钛酸铝粉体的研究对比

  • Synthesis Characterization and Luminescent Properties of Titanate Red Persistence Materials

    钛酸 红色长余辉材料的合成、表征和发光性质

  • Research progress on preparation and dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramics
