too much

[tu mʌtʃ][tu: mʌtʃ]


  • She realizes now she expected too much of Helen .

    现在她意识到自己对海伦的期望 了。

  • Too much time has been wasted in sterile debate .

    在毫无新意的辩论上已经浪费了 时间。

  • I rely too much on convenience food .


  • Let us not cavil too much

    我们就 别太挑剔了

  • Maybe I eat too much and that 's what makes me dozy .

    也许我吃 了,所以昏昏欲睡。

  • We cannot praise him too much .

    我们无论怎样称赞他都 过分

  • He had too much money for a young man .

    对于一个年轻人来说,他 有钱了。

  • He had too much time on his hands and that caused him to get into trouble

    他手头时间 富裕了,反倒为他惹来了麻烦。

  • I 've given up trying to get a visa ; there is too much red tape involved .


  • Too much time is spent on administration .

    在管理上花费了 时间。

  • There is too much flavouring in the dish .

    这个菜里调味品加 了。

  • Don 't bother if it 's too much trouble . -- No trouble at all .

    这事要是 麻烦,你就别费神了。--不,一点也不麻烦。

  • Do not expect too much of him .


  • I think they 've been messed around far too much .

    我认为他们被耍得 过头了。

  • We 've had too much rain this summer .

    今年夏天雨水 了。

  • I think you 're expecting too much of me .

    我认为你对我的期望 了。

  • They bumped him off because he knew too much about their illegal activities .

    他们把他谋杀了,因为他对他们的非法活动知道 了。

  • I 'd rather not talk about it too much because I don 't like giving trade secrets away .

    我不愿就此 谈,因为我不想泄露秘密。

  • He 'd given too much to his career worked long hours neglected her

    他为事业付出 ,长时间地工作,忽视了她。

  • I always knew it was too much to hope for .

    我一直都知道这是个 奢望

  • He must be hoping but considering the situation in June he may hoping for too much too soon

    他一定心存希望,但是考虑到6月份的情形,他可能期望 过快了。

  • You put too much salt in this dish .

    这菜里你盐搁 了。

  • I know you need your freedom too much to stay with me .

    我知道你 需要自由了,无法和我在一起。

  • He smokes too much .


  • I was worried that my career my children and my other half might become too much to cope with .

    我担心我的事业、我的孩子们和我的 那口子可能会让我应付 过来。

  • She spent too much time making herself up

    她在化妆上花去了 时间。

  • He 's had a drop too much .


  • You have added too much liquid to the mixture .

    你给这混合物加进了 的液体。

  • Too much time was spent discussing tangential issues
