topical disease

[ˈtɑpɪkəl dɪˈziz][ˈtɔpikəl diˈzi:z]


  • Conclusion The topical anesthesia is safe and feasible for cataract patients with system disease .

    结论 对合并全身 的白内障患者是安全可行的。

  • Topical intrathyroid injection of immunosuppressive agents in treatment of Graves ' disease

    免疫抑制剂 局部注射治疗弥漫性甲状腺肿伴 甲亢的疗效观察

  • The mother was not keen for any investigations and she was concerned with the usage of inhaled topical corticosteroids for rhinitis and hyperactive airway disease .

    孩子的母亲因鼻炎与高反应性气道 疾病使用 局部吸入性激素治疗,且不愿孩子接受任何进一步的检查。

  • Objective To observe the course duration and effects of topical intrathyroid injection of dexamethasone in treatment of Graves ' disease .

    目的观察甲状腺内注射地塞米松治疗Graves 突眼性甲状腺肿)的疗程及疗效。