tool bar


  • If you wish to navigate more rapidly you can select the link to editor icon on the tool bar and selections in the editor will select the graph and vice versa .

    如果您希望更快地进行导航,可以选择 工具栏上的LinktoEditor图标,在编辑器中选择图形,反之亦然。

  • Most operating systems provide a special form of tool bar often associated with the system status area called a Tray .

    多数操作系统都提供了与系统状态关联的特殊形式的 工具栏,称为托盘( Tray)。

  • Select any column in the list and press the Filters button in the tool bar .

    选择列表内的任意一列并按下 工具栏中的Filters按钮。

  • A clamper is arranged on a tool bar of a screwdriver .

    它是在螺丝 刀刀 上设置一个夹持器。

  • The technology customizing the tool bar in the dialogue box is described from implementation principle and procedures .

    从实现原理和实现步骤方面阐述了在对话框中定制 工具栏的技术。

  • Step through the program observing the changes to the account variable ( select Run = > Step Over from the menu bar or select Step Over in the tool bar or press F6 ) .

    逐步调试该程序,观察帐户变量的改变(从菜单条中选择Run=>StepOver,或选择 工具 中的StepOver,也可以按F6)。

  • The tool bar and menus in Writer don 't look great but at least you can read them .

    这样后, 工具栏和菜单看上去并不怎么样,但是至少能看得见它们了。

  • Click on the tool bar 's Column Auto-Match icon to instruct DataStage to automatically map columns by name between the input and output links .

    单击 工具栏的ColumnAuto-Match图标,指示DataStage根据名称在输入和输出链接之间自动映射列。

  • The utility model provides a single-hand operating screw-driver bit with clamp device belonging to the tools field and comprises a handle a tool bar and a clamp device .

    本实用新型提供了一种带夹紧装置的单手操作螺丝 ,属于工具领域。

  • When the pin switch is pushed on the handle and the tool bar form into an integral structure which can be used as a common screwdriver .

    回拧时,将销子开关推上,刀柄和 形成整体,作为普通螺丝刀使用。

  • Use the icons on the upper tool bar to validate the control flow and then debug or execute it as desired .

    使用上面 工具栏中的图标检查控制流,然后调试或执行它。

  • Select Query > Run from the menu bar or click the Run icon in the tool bar to execute the query .

    从菜单栏中选择 Query>Run或单击 工具栏中的Run来执行查询。

  • Open the Situation window by clicking the icon Situation Editor on the tool bar .

    通过单击 工具栏上的SituationEditor图标打开Situation窗口。

  • The axis of a tool bar is provided with a hole which is formed by a taper hole and a straight hole ;

    其结构是在 轴上设有一孔,该孔由锥孔和直孔构成,在锥孔内装有一锥式定位装置;

  • Because the tool bit and the tool bar are is fixed together by the tapering shape positioning device the tool bit can be dismounted from the tool bar to make a multi-purpose tool bar .

    由于刀头和 是用锥式定位装置固定在一起的,所以刀头可以从刀杆上拆卸下来,使得一刀杆多用。

  • Duplicate the layer . from filter menu select liquify . Select pucker tool from the tool bar .

    复制层,在 滤镜菜单中选择液化,点击挤压 工具

  • There is a Loudspeaker Mark in the tool bar . It 's the fuction of broadcasting your recording .

    工具 中有个喇叭的符号,当你点选时会将你所录的声音播放出来。

  • Thereby the utility model achieves the purposes of having magnetism being adjustable in the length of the tool bar and being firm and durable .

    从而实现了此具具有磁性、 长短可调、坚固耐用的目的。

  • Preventing Vibration Design Of Boring Tool Bar

    镗刀 的减振分析与设计

  • Show the smaller tool bar .

    显示较小的 工具栏

  • The utility model comprises blades guide blocks a cutter body and a tool bar .

    本实用新型由刀片、导向块、刀体和 组成。

  • They come ready-made with a menu bar a tool bar an area for you to insert your application-specific contents and a status line & all optional .

    它们有现成的菜单栏、 工具栏、供您插入特定于应用程序的内容的区域和状态栏&全都是可选的。

  • How to Customize the Tool Bar in Dialogue Box

    如何在对话框中定制 工具栏

  • For example hovering over a tool bar button will produce a tool tip and pressing F1 will bring up the context sensitive help for the view .

    例如,将您的鼠标停留在一个 工具栏 按钮上,将会显示出关于该工具的提示信息,而且您点击F1按钮将会产生视图的背景相关性帮助文件。

  • Secondary development of tool bar generator and menu of AutoCAD based on VB

    基于VB的AutoCAD之菜单、 工具 生成器的二次开发

  • For this example select the WebSphere single server pattern and click the clone button in the upper-right tool bar .

    对于本例,将选择WebSpheresingleserver模式,并单击右上方 工具栏中的clone图标。

  • A locking device and a reverse counterboring tool bar are designed their structure and working principle are introduced .

    设计了一种锁紧装置和一反锪孔 ,介绍了其结构原理。

  • Analyzing and studying a process method machining in-line hole in long distance without designing the fulcrum bearing in middle of the tool bar .


  • You 'll also notice that there are tool buttons ( Step over Step into and so on ) for controlling execution in the Debug view 's tool bar .

    您还会注意到,在Debug视图的 工具栏中有用来控制执行的工具按钮(Stepover、Stepinto等)。

  • The toolholder is used for outer slotting and the tool bar for inner slotting and for slotting the keyway .

    机床附有电磁自动抬刀的刀架和 。刀架用天外插削, 用于内插削和插键槽。