tooth cavity

[tuθ ˈkævɪti][tu:θ ˈkæviti]


  • Root canal treatment and finished tooth lost in the pulp cavity nutrition supplies such as nerves blood vessels lymphatic makes itself become more brittle fracture of teeth .

    且做完根管治疗的 牙齿,失去了牙髓 中神经、血管、淋巴等营养供应,使得牙齿本身变得较脆易断裂。

  • Toothache is as same as hot love cannot extricate oneself pull out tooth and lovelorn are same keeps a cavity .

    牙痛和热恋一样,不能自拔, 拔牙和失恋一样,留个 空洞

  • Restoration of caries lesion is the most basal and common treatment in restorative dentistry . However it is also a subtle therapy . Remaining tooth structure occlusal force cavity design and selection of the restorative materials must all be taken into account .

    龋病修复是最常见也是最基本的一种治疗,但龋病修复同时也是一项十分精细的治疗,要综合考虑 体状况、(牙合)力状况、 设计、修复材料选择等多种因素。

  • If teeth tooth decay before boring to the dental pulp cavity because root canal treatment technology was not developed teeth almost to escape the pull of fate .

    以前如果牙齿 蛀牙蛀到牙髓 ,由于当时根管治疗的技术并不发达,牙齿几乎难逃拔掉的命运。

  • Normal growth and tooth arrange influence oral cavity not neat reason has two include congenital element and acquired factor .

    影响 口腔正常发育和 牙齿排列不齐的原因有两个,包括先天因素和后天因素。

  • The hole in the tooth is cavity .

    上的洞叫做 蛀牙

  • The newtype of oral cavity spray dose has showed pure taste preventing decayed tooth cleaning oral cavity and the anti-syncope effect .

    制得口味纯正、具有防 龋齿、清洁 口腔和抗晕效果的口香喷剂新产品。

  • Objective : To appraise the filling effect of silver amalgam and glass-ionomer in the elderly decayed tooth ⅰ & ⅱ type cavity using ART technique to expands the treating range of the ART technique .

    目的:评价ART(非创伤性充填)技术中银汞合金和玻璃离子在老年人 龋齿Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类 的充填效果。

  • SHA was used to simulate tooth surface in oral cavity .

    用唾液包被的羟磷灰石(SHA)模拟 口腔 而情况。

  • Conical tooth light gap blackbody cavity

    齿光隙黑 体腔

  • It 's like my heart is a tooth and it 's got a cavity that can only be filled with children .

    就好比我的心是颗 牙齿,而 牙齿上蛀了个 ,只有孩子的爱才能填补好这个

  • Each tooth has a space the so-called pulp cavity .

    我们每 牙齿 里面都有一个空间,即所谓的牙髓

  • A conical tooth light gap blackbody cavity is got by simulating a blackbody with the geometric-optical method .

    用几何光学方法模拟黑体得一锥 齿光隙黑 体腔

  • The utility model relates to a tooth cleaner in particular to a tooth cleaner for daily oral cavity flushing .

    本实用新型涉及一种 洁牙器,一种用于日常 口腔冲洗的 洁牙器。

  • Results : There were relations between the odontagma and the degree of the tooth deficiency abnormal occlusion and cavity filling .

    结果:牙折与 缺失程度、咬合异常、 充填情况有关。

  • Dentin of human teeth has dentinal tubules so the structure is porous . Tooth cavity surrounded by dentin is filled with soft tissues as pulp .

    人类牙齿的牙本质具有牙本质小管,为多孔性 组织结构, 本质构成髓 ,髓腔内充满牙髓等软组织。

  • The filling of this tooth cavity fell out .

    牙齿 蛀洞的填补物掉出来了。

  • I feel an acute pain in one tooth that has a cavity and the one next to it aches in sympathy .

    劳:有一 我感到锐痛,这 已经有一个 ;旁边的另一 受影响也疼起来。

  • To overcome the shortcomings existing in today 's decayed tooth cavity remedy in dentistry a special CNC ( computer numerical control ) dental ceramic grinding machine and its CAD / CAM system were developed with modern computer science and control technology .

    针对目前牙科 修补方法的缺点与不足,利用现代计算机科学及智能控制技术,研制出陶瓷牙嵌体(简称瓷嵌体)加工专用精密数控磨床及专用CAD/CAM系统。

  • Results : the senior 's tooth fracture after the tooth prosthesis is related to several terms such as cavity type root caries dental abrasion wedged shape defect prosthesis repeatedly and traumatic occlusion etc.

    结果:老年人牙体修复 后牙折与 类型,根面龋,重度磨损,楔形缺损,修复频率及咬合创伤等因素有关。

  • Materials for implantation into human body have been widely used in clinic such as artificial arthrosis artificial tooth oral cavity implanting materials and artificial heart valve .

    人体植入材料在临床上得到了广泛应用,已用于人工关节、人工种植 义齿口腔修复材料和人工心脏瓣膜等。

  • The Effect of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Irradiation on the Seal Capability Between Filling Materials Without Acid Erosion and Tooth Cavity Walls

    Nd∶YAG激光照射对非酸蚀的充填材料与 界面密合度的影响

  • Objective With the means of dynamics to make an experimental study of anti fracture forces on the different cavity margin angles of dissociation tooth and search the best design of cavity margin anti fracture forces .

    目的用力学方法,对离 不同洞缘角进行抗折力的实验研究,探讨 缘抗力的最佳设计。

  • Abstract This experiment investigated the microleakages between secondarily treated inlay and tooth cavity walls or between inlay and liner by means of image analysis instrument .

    采用图象分析仪观察二期处理光固化复合树脂嵌体与 洞壁间和窝洞底间的密合度。

  • The damage appears as a hole in the tooth called a cavity .

    牙齿的毁坏在 牙齿上表现为一个称作 空洞的窟窿。

  • Result : The 3D model reconstructed by CT scan data objectively reflected the real tooth figure and the pulp cavity figure of the tooth .

    结果:采用CT薄层扫描资料建立起来的三维模型,形态逼真,能真实反映 牙齿外形及髓 三维结构。

  • Include tooth system disease of organization of week of disease of pointed week of root of disease of strong organization disease dental pulp tooth tooth and disease of oral cavity mucous membrane .

    包括牙体硬组织疾病、牙髓病、牙根尖周病、 周组织病和 口腔粘膜病。

  • The filling of this tooth cavity fell out . I want to have this tooth pulled out .

    补过 牙齿的填充物掉了。我想还是拔掉算了。

  • H2O2 and carbamide peroxide can penetrate tooth enamel and dentin and then enter the medullary cavity . Then the enzymes were inhibited obviously but there was no irreversible damage .

    H2O2和过氧化脲能够渗透 牙釉质和牙本质并进入髓 ,髓 腔内的酶类明显被抑制,但没有造成不可逆性损伤。

  • Aim : To assess the tooth response to the stimulation of air-abrasion cavity preparation .

    目的:研究空气喷砂机制 牙齿硬组织结构的改变。