top part

[tɑp pɑrt][tɔp pɑ:t]

[机] 上模

  • During heavy breathing most people force their chests out filling only the top part of their lungs .

    深呼吸时大部分人把胸腔张开,只让空气充满肺部的 顶端 部分而已。

  • The top part of the dashboard is borrowed from the Focus as are the deeply cowled instruments .

    高层 部分的仪表板,是借来的焦点,因为是深带冠文书。

  • The main machine body of the drier and two cylinders with different diameters are sheathed and together fixed on a bottom board . A cover is added on the top part .

    该机的主机体由直径不同的两个圆筒套在一起固定在底板上, 顶部加盖板。

  • Create new path covering top part of the interface and set it to Intersect ( 3 ) .

    创建新的路径覆盖了界面 顶部 部分,将其设置为相交(3)。

  • To do this add a method called getSQL () to the top part of the JavaCC file .

    为此,要在JavaCC文件的 部分添加一个名为getSQL()的方法。

  • The fixed form advertising label is set on the top part and bucket wall of drinking machine bucket .

    固定式广告标贴设置在饮水机水桶的 顶部和桶壁上;

  • And place it over the top part of the stomach below the ribs .

    放在肋骨 下方,胃的 上方

  • Another popular weight-loss surgery option involves putting an adjustable band around the top part of the stomach to create a small pouch .

    另一种流行的减肥手术是在胃的 顶部围一个可调节的带子形成一个小的袋。

  • It 's not going to be a backscatter event if your ping-pong ball hits the frame or these strings or the top part .


  • Partial compound isolation layers are further removed to form the isolation structure and the top part of the isolation structure is provided with step-shaped dent .

    继而移除部分复合隔离层而形成隔离结构,隔离结构 顶部具有阶梯状凹陷。

  • When you start up Trumpet you should see a screen the top part lists all the newsgroups you can read .

    启动 Trumpet后,你会看到一个屏幕, 顶部列有可读的专题消息组。

  • Now take the main body part and place it head down on the table and lift up the back and place the arms in the middle like so : ( a stone is holding down the top part ) .

    现在做身体部分,把它的头向下放在桌子上,抬起背,并把手臂放置在中间位置,就像 顶部有一块大石头被压在下面。

  • The top part of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round .

    山顶 终年覆盖着积雪。

  • And place it over the top part of the stomach below the ribs . I gave him a dig in the ribs .

    放在肋骨 下方,胃的 上方。我推了他肋骨一下。

  • The top part of the image depicts the server running an instance of ICA .

    图的 顶部表示运行ICA实例的服务器。

  • When the vertical lathe is working the top part of the slide plate bulges up and abut on the bottom edge of the master plate to carry out copying turning with high precision ;

    立车工作时,滑板 顶部的凸起紧靠在靠模板底边上作仿形车削精度高;

  • What happens to Mexico when the top part of S America pulls west by250 miles shoving Central America westward in front of it ?

    当南美 顶部被推向西侧250英里,在正前方向西推开中美洲时,墨西哥会发生什么?

  • Control appears in two parts : the top part is a text box that allows the user to type a list item .

    控件分两个部分显示: 顶部是一个允许用户键入列表项的文本框。

  • If you could look inside your chest the top part of your heart would be shaking like Jell .

    如果你能够看到胸部里面,心脏的 半部将很像摇动中的果冻。

  • The gas distribution device leaves enough space for an airtight transparent window which is arranged on the top part of a cylinder cover .

    这种配气装置为在气缸盖 顶部设置密闭的透明视窗留出了足够的空间。

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Installing Air Foam Generator at Top Part of Oil Tank

    论在油罐 顶部安装空气泡沫产生器的利与弊

  • The currently active job is displayed in the top part as a table .

    当前活动工单以表格的形式显示在 页面 顶部

  • Now it 's time to make the top part of our text glow .

    现在是时候作出 顶端 部分,我们的文字辉光。

  • And this is to be the priests ' right : those who make an offering of a sheep or an ox are to give to the priest the top part of the leg and the two sides of the head and the stomach .

    祭司从百姓所当得的分乃是这样,凡献牛或羊为祭的,要把 前腿和两腮并脾胃给祭司。

  • I had disturbed am ass of bats in the top part of the tower and the horrible creatures flew down and beat against my face and body ( Kidnapped pp.52-53 ) .

    我还惊动了那塔楼 顶部大群的蝙蝠,这些可怕的动物直冲我的脸部和身子。

  • The top part of the piston is the head or crown .

    活塞的 顶部是活塞头或者活塞顶。

  • The crust and the very top part of earth 's next layer the mantle are divided into huge sections called plates .

    地壳和地球下面的地幔的 顶部,分为巨大的块,叫做板块。

  • The top part of this stick is three meters the top mark .

    此杆 顶部,是3米。