tool room

[tul rum][tu:l ru:m]


  • Research on scheduling and configuration of resource in central tool storage room of numerical control shop

    数控车间中央 刀具 的资源调度与配置研究

  • As an assembly tool of the big diameter bolts hydraulic torque wrenches have many advantages such as big output torque easy operation being able to be used conveniently in the incommodious room and comparatively precise control of the magnitude of torque .

    液压扭矩扳手作为一种大直径螺栓的装配 工具,具有很多的优点,如输出扭矩大,使用方便,能够在狭窄的 空间范围 使用,且能够比较准确控制预紧扭矩的大小等。

  • Monetary policy is the most important tool at this stage because the ECB has the greatest room for manoeuvre .

    货币政策是现阶段最重要的 工具,因为欧洲央行可操作的 空间最大。

  • The research includes a tool that uses sensors and HP gateways throughout the home to track energy consumption by room and appliance .

    该项研究包含一个核心 工具,它能利用安装在家庭中的传感器以及惠普网关,以 房间和家电为单位,追踪能源的消耗情况。

  • Minimum 5 years work experience in progressive metal stamping tool room .

    5-20年精密金属冲压 模具 工作经验。

  • I was desperately searching for the teleport tool when my sister walked into the room peered over my shoulder at the computer screen and said Why 'd you make your avatar ugly ?

    当我正在拼命寻找聊天 工具栏的时候,妹妹 进屋 来了,瞥了一眼电脑说:“为什么你把自己的角色弄得那么丑呀?”

  • From the management of tool standardization and seriation computer control system management of tool room the methods and ways of computer aided tool management are stated and the advantages and prospects of the computer aided tool management are summarized .

    从刀具的标准化和系列化管理、 刀具 的计算机控制系统管理二方面阐述了计算机辅助刀具管理的方法与途径;总结了计算机辅助刀具管理的优势和前景。

  • Investigation and Prevention of Trauma by Edge Tool to Practice Nurse in Operating Room

    实习护生在手术 实习期间 利器损伤的原因调查及防护

  • Wilson ' theory of regulation politics provided an effective analytical tool for regulation policy-making but there are still some room for improvement in the part of institutional constraints of his theory .

    威尔逊的规制政治理论为解释多种规制政策的形成提供了有效的分析 工具,但其理论中的制度制约等部分内容 有待进一步补充和完善。

  • Determination of Thermal Equilibrium Take of Machine Tool and Affection of Room Temperature

    机床热平衡时间的确定及 室温的影响

  • Erecting the dynamic load carrying model of figure room utilizing constructive thermal environment design simulative tool kit DeST-h went on the load reckon of room . From above it could be established to the foundation of dissipation of energy analyses .

    本文通过建立了计算房间动态负荷的模型,利用建筑热环境设计模拟 工具包DeST-h进行了 房间负荷计算,为能耗分析奠定了基础。

  • In the past people always concentrated their eyes on the frame and took the infilled wall just as a tool of boarding and cutting off room .

    过去人们对框架结构的研究一直集中在框架上,填充墙只是作为围护和 隔断 工具

  • The system can be used as an educational tool to understand the design and operational characteristics of HTR-10 and can also provide online supports for operators in the main control room .

    该仿真系统不仅对高温气冷堆的工程设计、安全分析和人员培训有重要作用,且可对 HTR10主控 的操作人员进行现场支持及各项研究提供帮助。

  • According to the scheme the sealed structure of the head tool and the volume of the nitrogen room were analyzed further .

    根据此方案,又对此冲击器的端部 工具处的密封和氮气 的容积这两个重要影响因素作了进一步分析。