to adhere to...


  • You also want to adhere to the DRY ( Don 't repeat yourself ) principle as much as possible .

    您可能还希望 能够尽可能多 坚持DRY(不要重复自己)这个原则。

  • I 'd thank you to adhere to the truth and not slander me even in joke !

    我得谢谢你 实话说,而不诽谤我,即使是在说笑话!

  • I have a whole summer to adhere to their watering .

    整整一个夏天我都 坚持 它们浇水。

  • Not the result of love but also need to adhere to it ?

    没有结果的爱情,但还 需要 坚持下去吗?

  • This is a very big advance it is necessary to adhere to the long-term change .

    这是一个非常大的进步, 必须 坚持长期变化。

  • Not only does WFSGI applaud this position we strongly encourage all countries to adhere to this directive .

    我们世界体育用品联合会支持这个决议,也非常希望所有的国家都 坚持 实行这一决议。

  • Policies are generally declarative specifications for the rules and regulations that a system needs to adhere to .

    策略通常是系统 需要 遵循的规则和制度的声明性规范。

  • They contain the ideas which we must continue to adhere to and develop today .

    这都是我们今天要 继续 坚持和发展的。

  • We must continue to adhere to the one-China principle .

    我们要始终 坚持一个中国原则。

  • You need to adhere to a15-minute rule .


  • The first is the transmission mechanism which enables the invader to adhere to tissue in the nose and lungs .

    第一个是传输机制,让入侵者 得以 粘附在鼻子和肺部的组织。

  • Even I know the final outcome or proceed without hesitation to adhere to .

    即使知道最后的结局,还是义无反顾的 坚持

  • Even if the fall will continue to adhere to get up .

    即使摔倒了也会爬起来 继续 坚持的。

  • The QA and security teams will define nonfunctional requirements that developers will need to adhere to .

    质量保证和安全团队将定义开发人员需要 遵守的非功能性需求。

  • All suppliers are required to adhere to Coke 's own workplace rights policy .

    所有供应商都被要求 遵循可口可乐的工作场所权利保障政策。

  • I deem it imperative to adhere to and broaden the following main lines of thinking .

    我认为 坚持并拓宽以下主要思路是很有必要的。

  • You are doubtless quite right to adhere to him indubitably he adhered to you .

    他合得很不坏,不消说,他也和你 合得来

  • That 's why I decided to adhere to my opinion and I will try to change your viewpoint too .

    这就是为什么我决定 坚持我的意见,我会试图改变你的观点了。

  • They failed to adhere to our original agreement .

    他们 未能 遵守我们原定的协议。

  • Failure to adhere to this principle will result in regulatory arbitrage and more blow-ups .

    如果不能 遵守这一原则,就将导致监管套利和更多的崩盘。

  • We will urge them to adhere to the Paris Agreement .

    人们将催促他们 遵循巴黎和谈。

  • Keep changes simple so they will be easier to adhere to .

    保持你的改变简单,从而更 容易 坚持

  • The password provided during the install screen needs to adhere to the operating system password requirement .

    安装过程中屏幕上提供的密码 必须 遵循操作系统密码要求。

  • Is you to engage in Auricular of our clinics to adhere to the courage and confidence to promote !

    是你们,给予从事耳穴诊疗的我们 坚持的勇气和推广的信心!

  • In our business dealings we expect our partners to adhere to business principles consistent with our own .

    在业务活动中,我们期望我们的合作伙伴与我们一道 遵守经营的原则。

  • Please do not the British Empire and the Federation 's ability to adhere to underestimate .

    请不要把不列颠帝国和联邦的 坚持的能力 加以低估。

  • But this scenario also requires diplomatic savvy by countries to adhere to the implicit rules of the game .

    但这个方案还需要由国家 建立了外交精明 坚持隐含的游戏规则。

  • But they continued to adhere to his instructions .

    可他们 继续 遵循他的指示。

  • Usually the problems are not in their efforts to the goal of the process to make mistakes but they did not continue to adhere to the goal .

    通常,问题并不是在他们朝目标努力的过程中犯错,而是他们没有 坚持 继续 目标努力。