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  • Since the reformation in 2006 CET becomes a more useful instrument to measure university students ? integrative ability to use English as the foreign language in TLU situations .

    自2006年进行改革以来,这项考试在测量把英语作为外语的 考生综合能力方面,成为更加有效的工具。

  • The first step toward understanding neural nets is to abstract from the biological neuron and to focus on its character as a threshold logic unit ( TLU ) .

    理解神经网络的第一步是从对抽象生物神经开始,并把重点放在阈值逻辑单元( TLU)这一特征上。

  • In the case of a TLU with an arbitrary number of inputs N the set of possible inputs corresponds to a set of points in N-dimensional space .


  • Tlu-based FPGA logic mapping for single - output combinational network

    单输出组合网络的 TLUFPGA的逻辑映射