toilet cover


  • Combined with closed loop control technology dynamic protection in the process of auto filp of smart toilet based on angle sensor is designed and implemented to prevent damage of motor and cover caused by abnormal block .

    采用角度传感器并结合闭环控制技术,实现了智能 便器翻盖/圈过程中的动态保护功能,防止因异常阻挡所导致的电机或 圈损坏的情况发生。

  • Design CAD of Toilet Cover Die

    便 模具的计算机辅助设计

  • The novel toilet has the beneficial effects that the toilet can be electrified to be heated when in use and the seat cover becomes warm .

    其有益效果是,该新型 马桶在使用时可以插电加热,使座 变暖。

  • The surface of toilet cover the cavity of die and punch and 3D assembly drawing and assembly scenes are realized through using the surface modeling function provided by Mechanical Desktop based on PC platform .

    利用MDT的曲面造型功能在微机平台 实现了 便 塑件的造型,凹模型腔及凸模的生成。并生成三维装配图和装配场景图。

  • To reduce the risk of toilet drowning keep the stool out of reach keep the toilet door closed and the toilet cover down .

    为了减小厕所溺水风险,将搁脚凳放在孩子够不到的地方,将 抽水马桶的 盖盖 再将厕所门关上。